I spent thousands of dollars on Functional medical Dr.’s trying to heal from CIRS and never fully healed because the nasal spray’s didn’t completely kill the Marcons. I just got re-exposed to mold and have to do the protocol again on my own. Thank you for putting this on YouTube
This explains a LOT! I My grown son is losing his life because of CIRS, Bartonella, Babesia, and had Covid, which seems like it’s still in his body. After he had that, his anxiety went through the roof and his head s about to burst with head pressure. He has every system you’re talking about, and can’t think, repeats the same paranoid, dark thinking, nightmares, “hurts all over”, stomach complaints constantly. I’m trying my best to keep him positive, but I think he may have autoimmune encephalitis. He has an MD, who is mold certified and diagnoses vector-borne diseases. He was living in a water damaged building for years, so he’s living with me. I had CIRS from a water damaged building and breast implants. My body broke down and I developed every infection and autoimmune diseases you could think of. I’m still extremely sensitive and I think I have an infection of some kind because I tried to volunteer at a garden and was bitten by some bugs.
I’m scared they he will die. He was on antibiotics, but the doctor felt he had herx, so now he’s on ivermectin. He still has horrible symptoms every day, won’t go anywhere, and complains constantly. He won’t meditate, because he’s so agitated. His doctor is in Italy for the next 6 days. Taking him to the ER is useless. I’m at a loss!
Yup. Chronic Inflammation from seed oils and grains, sugars that we eat everyday. I have Sarcoidosis so I believe they are basically the same thing. Its just Chronic inflammatory response of the Lymph nodes. Mine grew granulomas to 3.4 CM and 4.1 CM.
Carnivore diet is the ultimate inflammation tool imo,
I have almost all of these metabotypes. Adrenal dysfunction, thyroid disfunction, gut and immune dysfunction. brain fog. Neuro-vascular for sure..I get stabbing pins and needles in my hands and feet. My HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis) showed really poor liver function. I don’t detox anything. it all gets stored in my body. and I have hormone issues. high androgens presenting as
pcos and low progestrone resulting in miscarriages.
I speed up the playback with good results.
I’m trying to get this understand as well, It will take me a few times but I’ll get it. He’s doing his best to simplify it, I can tell.
But as an amateur it’s still difficult to find out the exact step by step process to the protocol, even though I have read the step by step protocol, buttt, there seem to be many steps in the begging so I just need to really organize in detail a little better