What Is The Scariest Paranormal Story You Have Ever Experienced #shorts​ r/AskReddit

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Real story: my cousin told me to get up in the middle of the night and I didn’t. In the morning I heard a clash, and saw all the spoons fall, she said a spirit showed her the truth.


My mom and dad saw my uncle the day after he died from far and he was just looking at them


i was laying in bed once. i felt someone sit on the bed. i turned around and no one was there. but i could still feel them sitting. i think it was one of my great grandparents since i now live in their house


I was upstairs one time scrolling through Instagram you know the normal stuff and I get out to go to the bathroom and I see a dent in my sister’s bed like someone was sitting there and then that thing got up and then I’m telling my mom about this and she says oh yeah your mom‘s ghost lives in this house and I’m just like what the fuck is going on.

real story.


Real story: i was 10 years old, saw my uncle walk to the second floor with a cup of tea then after 2 minutes he walked upstairs with a cup of tea again! So like i asked him how he returned so fast and he said yes but how since 3 people: me, my friend and my other uncle clearly saw him leave and not returning down the stairs from his roomand there is No other way down

idk but he either tricked us somehow or he had a doppelganger somehow 🤷


just seeing and hearing things on a daily in my house. ive seen a specific shadow amby times in reflections or just in plain sight. ive become paranoid of the dark and being alone in it. also, mirrors at nighttime. i cover the mirror in my room with a blanket so i can sleep.
theres atleast on spirit in my house, bit sure if theres more. i might have a sleep paralysis demon...idk at this point.


Maybe it was a “fake person”/A doll but like a big one


I’m sorry but they have to be white because im not going up stairs without my Group of friends


This has 555. Likes I hope it gets 111 more
