Why You Need Music Theory

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Einstein's law of relativity: E = Fb


I don't think music theory makes players more robotic. I find it helps me find the "correct" notes I'm hearing in my mind much faster than just guessing.


I was one of those guitarists that thought theory would turn me into a robot. I remember watching an interview with Mike Einziger and he explained how he has sufficient knowledge of theory but never really uses it purposefully during the writing process unless he hit a wall. I totally get it now and i must say that after finally learning the basics of theory and note locations on the fretboard I've hit a achieved of freedom I never though was possible. My improv drastically improved after just a few practices. You're 100% right man and i appreciate your videos. As for the gods who played without knowledge of theory, imagine if they did have the knowledge accompanying their natural talent. Mind Blown.


I'm classically trained on French horn. I spent 2 years studying music theory. You don't need music theory to be good, but it MAKES you a better musician. Thanks for spreading the gospel of music theory.


Agree with everything you said in this video. Music theory opened my eyes to all the possibilities that the guitar has to offer and made playing a lot more fun and easier to understand. It's also not really that hard to learn. I think sometimes people don't learn theory because they're intimidated by it.


"Knowing is half the battle" ... GI Joe.


I have zero knowledge in music theory..sad life >.<


I love music theory. I remember basic music theory being in our seventh grade music class, and after that, I started playing guitar and I quickly learned guitar and other instruments because of it. I enjoy being able to play different scales and chords. Not only does it fuel my belief in myself, it helps me know what I'm playing. Also, I feel like I learned a new language because I can read sheet music for different instruments.


Thanks Tyler, for opening my eyes, I haven't been against music theory but never thought I needed it, with this quarentine I have plenty of time, sub to this man


I've always thought of Music as a language, with theory being the grammatical structure and the idiosyncrasies of breaking that structure being like the using grammatically "incorrect" terms that we all do anyways because we understand what we're doing. Being able to only read music is like a person who can read Spanish but has no clue how to actually communicate in that language. As for me, I'm on the other side of the spectrum, I can communicate reasonably well in the language but would consider myself almost illiterate.


What I do is I'll put on a backing track and just fuck around with the fretboard. I know scales so I can just pick what may sound good, and add or subtract notes depending on the chords in the backing track.

Music theory is great, but I never think when I play. In fact when I do think about my playing while I play, it falls apart. I'm actually thinking about what's going on in my life, I guess that's what goes through the guitar. But I digress. I go purely by instinct. Maybe if i'm in a studio building a solo, then yeah that's HELLA useful; but in the moment I play what I feel in a certain progression.

Dig, man?

Groovy videos man, keep it up.


you are....100% correct. i hate when people say music theory is overrated blah blah blah...heres my point, how can you have a love and passion for music and not understand what youre playing? bought your guitar super system beginner course just to refresh my beginner learning that ive long forgot and i love it. Youre a great teacher and explain things very well, definitely looking into your music theory course as well. keep rocking tyler!


That´s exactly right, man. Victor Wooten stated at Namm 2018 (can find it on Youtube), that music theory is even easy and thereé no need to be afraid of it. He nailed it! He talked about keys and their signatures, for example. He showed the people how logical it is, by comparing G-Major to Gb-Major (G-Major= 1 # and Gb-Major = 6 b´s, which makes 7 signatures in total, like A-Major = 3 #´s and Ab-Major = 4 b´s, which makes 7 signatures as well). Everyone just have to count, simple as that. And he let the people guess: If Gb-Major got 6 b´s, there´s just one natural note, guess which! Right, it´s the F that went sharp in G-Major! So you just have to compare and count. And understanding theory is understanding the concepts, it WILL boost you skills dramatically. That´s what I tell my students. You don´t have to know, but it´s very helpful and you reach a different level.


Dude. You are my favorite guitar channel on youtube. Just recently discovered you and you have made it to my #1 spot already! Keep it up!


I have always been annoyed by those guys who say "where's the feel??, it has no soul" etc... they just sound like amateurs who are stuck in the minor pentatonic.


This is to all those guitar lesson ads I’m getting that say “don’t learn theory, learn this instead.”


Understanding jazz theory and classical theory is like adding is like adding different colours to your palette, it allows you to better specify what picture you want to create. There are plenty of guitarists who don't know music theory who write soulless solos... absence of music theory does not guarantee emotional music in any way.


Music theory isn't a book of rules. It is a guideline on how to make music. It is also extremely useful as a musician. I really don't understand why it is so underrated. I've played trumpet for 8 years and as a music major am required to take music theory, but I actually like playing the guitar more and wish I could switch to guitar but that would take an extra year of just lessons. Theory put me like a whole year ahead when I first picked up the guitar.


You don't need to study theory at all but it does help. Playing for a while you tend to just pick it up instinctively. Just remember, music came long before theory did. Learn it, by all means but don't stress over it as it will just slow you down and spoil the fun.


i last time made a blog about you on an app to help you get a little little bit more popularity.
i love your videos so much man, you say some really cool stuff
