Inkscape Bezier Tutorial 2

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Inkscape Bezier Tutorial
What you will learn in these tutorials parts 1 and 2
Part 2
how to draw using each mode and shape of the Bezier tool.
How to draw a straight line segment paths,
how to end paths in three different ways,
how to draw curved segment paths,
how to draw segments and specific degree angles,
how to connect one path to another already created to form one path,
how to move back and forth from the Bezier tool to the selector tool very easily saving tons of time,
how to go backwards in your path if you make a mistake on creating your last node,
how you can edit nodes easily without clicking your edit tool,
how to scale and rotate your path,
how to easily give your path a fill color or stroke color and width without having to go into the fill and stroke window,
Part 2
how to draw using each mode and shape of the Bezier tool.
What you will learn in these tutorials parts 1 and 2
Part 2
how to draw using each mode and shape of the Bezier tool.
How to draw a straight line segment paths,
how to end paths in three different ways,
how to draw curved segment paths,
how to draw segments and specific degree angles,
how to connect one path to another already created to form one path,
how to move back and forth from the Bezier tool to the selector tool very easily saving tons of time,
how to go backwards in your path if you make a mistake on creating your last node,
how you can edit nodes easily without clicking your edit tool,
how to scale and rotate your path,
how to easily give your path a fill color or stroke color and width without having to go into the fill and stroke window,
Part 2
how to draw using each mode and shape of the Bezier tool.
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