How gaming saved my life | GAMERS WITHOUT BORDERS | song by Dan Bull

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Words: Dan Bull
Video: Dan Bull

DISCLAIMER: This video was made on behalf of SAFEIS as an advertisement for the charity esports tournament Gamers Without Borders.
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This hit home. My family always judged me for playing games ever since I was little. My dad told me girls don’t play video games. I remember trying to talk to other boys about COD when I was little and they told me that girls don’t play games. I came home from school that day and my brother couldn’t wait to play COD with me. I told him I didn’t want to play and when he asked why I told him and he said that was stupid. He said he knew tons of girls who play video games and they’re all the coolest. That’s all I needed. One person to tell me that being a girl and playing video games is fine. Video games aren’t gendered. The truth was though, he made that up. He didn’t know a single girl that played video games besides me, but he said he saw how happy I was when I played, and he didn’t want that to be taken away from me. He stood up for me when my parents would complain about me wanting and playing video games. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have the love I have for video games. They keep me sane. They’re my escape and some of them teach me a lot (Like Detroit: Become Human). I know a lot people think video games are bad and they’re all just “shoot ‘em up games”. But they have no idea. Keep on playing Gamers ☺️


My family never judged me for gaming but when my life fell apart they chose to not help me. I was going to end up homeless. Instead, a friend from Xbox live drove 300 miles and picked me up, gave me a place to stay and helped me get back on my feet. before then we had never met and didn't even really like each other but were apart of the same group, now he's my best friend. Thank you for being there Charlie


This speaks to me on so many levels, like damn bro get me teary over here.


This hit me hard. There were times where wanting to see how a story ended kept me from ending mine


2:07 "Now I appreciate experiencing the real skies"

This hit me so F***ing hard you would'nt believe it.
Well all of this song is actually how i really feel towards gaming in general and for that

Thanks Dan, thanks a lot


“We speak for those who haven’t spoken up, there’s loads of us”
I watched this song four times and every time at the end I cry!
What I’m trying to say is that a lot of people think that games cause violence and all that stuff that everyone doesn’t want to research it because they are to confident about themselves! Of course we all know that that’s nothing more than excuse for not letting their child to play games. I personally am in one of those families and this song plays so deep in my heart that I can’t hold my tears of hope away!
When I listen to this song I don’t feel alone anymore! I finally feel great when I play the games because my family says that games are something that I have disappointed them whit. Thank you Dan for making my life more worth my time! Thank you for this song that unites all of us, all of the gamers, and everyone who isn’t scared from covid-19 and will do anything to stop it! We all have a little bit of the hero!


Title already sounds serious but gives off such a true to life feel and sound already sounds fantastic and unique nice job dan. ❤️


The media: games and gamers are evil!
Games and gamers:


Things that Video Game did with our lives:

- It gave us entertainment
- it helped us distract from our negativities.
- We made friends, even though we didn't even know who they are.
- It helped us to co-operate.
- It helped us vent our anger through playing.
- It helped us to build our imagination.
- It even change our lives.

If you think that video games didn't helped us at all, think again.


I- I'm not crying....

...OK, I'm crying a little...


I started to cry when I got to the end of this song, it spoke on so many levels to me. I so wish my friend George was alive so he could of heard this. Gaming has helped keep my head together and keeps my son and I going. Thank you for sharing this with all of us ❤️


When I was little, my parents got me a gameboy. It helped me escape from every fist fight they had. I met my best friend on the bus one day when I saw this kid had caught an Articuno, him showing me how to catch one seeded a friendship that lasts to this day. When he moved, we talked everyday through World of Warcraft. In highschool I was depressed and bullied. My best friend joined the military so we couldn't talk much, but I felt like I always had a friend close by when watching Markiplier and Cryotic play. Last year my little sister was murdered and everytime my girlfriend comes over and beats my ass in Smash 4 It makes me happy just to be alive. Im learning how to build games on my own now. I cant picture anything else in the world that I would rather be doing. I love your music Dan, I don't think I could get this feeling of pride In what I'm doing from anyone else.


Till my eyes fell upon in oblivion sunset nearly cry that line hit me in my heart


The Skyrim hype literally is the reason I'm here.

A long time ago, I was suicidal, I still have tendencies, and I suffer from severe anxiety.

But when I was a young teen, playing oblivion, I hear Skyrim was coming... I was so hyped to play it and excited. I decided not to kill myself, at least until I got a shot at it...

It sounds stupid but it gave me something to look forward too.

Every time I feel low I look for a new game to get hyped about, to hold on for.


"we've got to paint on the wall of the cave, unless we want to keep replaying the oldest of saves"




Sometimes, it’s nice to just temporarily retreat from reality, escape all the bad outside and just have something you love to do.

For many of us, that something is videogames, they allow us to be fully submerged in a world that differs to our own, to distract us.

It’s the ultimate form of escapism.

Sometimes, you come back to reality newly greatful of what you have, I for one would hate to live in the world of Metro or any of the Zombie games.

A film or TV show only plays out one way, the way it’s written.

A book cannot show you each and every aspect of its world.

This form of entertainment isn’t limited in the way a movie, book or TV show is.

You directly control an influence on the game’s world, the level of influence may vary but the way you influence the game world will differ from how anyone else does.

The only limit is the hardware.

Where do we go next?

It’s your choice.


This brought me to tears. For so long I've been trying to explain to my family why gaming is so important to me. Thank you Dan Bull...from the bottom of my heart thank you.


"i came to judge other on their character traits and not their nations" if we all did this...the world would've been a better place


This song hit home more then I thought it would. I definitely wouldn't be where I am without Games and even Dan Bull himself. Both have gotten me through a lot of tough times.
