Testing 7 Ways to Make Beer Better (Featuring the Beerists)

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Brian and Jason really just wanted an excuse to drink on the show, so they sold the guest slot to the highest bidder. Rubio and Grant collectively bid 16 beers.
1:05 quickly chilling your beer
8:02 avoid skunked beer
11:57 open a bottle with anything
15:27 the perfect pour
19:25 defoam the head
21:01 drinking the right way
21:16 shotgunning a beer (can)
Unedited footage for this episode ($5+ patrons):
Items From This Video (affiliate links)
Brian's rec: Station Breaker by Andrew Mayne
Jason's rec: The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America by Erik Larson
Don't be a jerk, go support The Beerists!
Music used in this episode:
"Breakfast" by Monma
"Inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber" by baaskaT
"Still Shining" by Badsummer
"Breeze" by The Deli
"Me 2 You" by QSTN
"mirage" by drwn.
"Palm Parallels" by Deeb

This episode was made with the help of:
Our Mailing Address
Modern Rogue
539 W. Commerce #1975, Dallas TX 75208
Рекомендации по теме

Congrats to the winners of last week's Mayhem Sticker Pack giveaway: Gavin Rehkemper, Robert Lonergan, Thom Volkers, Connor McCur, Osvaldo Hernandez, Ardin Boer, Angel Capote


When I first watched this episode, I was about half asleep, and when Brian said 'It smells like my dog Sneakers' that I thought he said 'It smells like my dog's sneakers'. There was genuinely a moment I thought Kepler wore some stinky footwear on like a regular basis. Then Sneakers popped onto screen and there were a few seconds of utter confusion. Also Sneakers looks like a very good dog.


7:26 they actually capitalized all of "Science Experiments With Two Guys Who Know What They're Doing." Like its the name of a show. It's the details that make things funnier if you pay close enough attention.


The ultimate 'crack a cold one with the boys' simulator.


3:19 As a geology student, you'd be amazed at how often drinking and science-ing actually go together, especially in the field...


So, summary of advice from the video:
• Cooling them by spinning in a pitcher with Ice and salt water,
• Keeping bottles and glasses out of direct sunlight,
• Use your thumb and forefinger as a base for opening caps with anything,
• Leave a little head on the beer to release flavour and look more appealing,
• Remove excess head with oil from the surface of your nose,
• Drink equal amounts of water and beer.


gotta save all those bottle caps, in case of an apocalypse.


I'm disappointed that tip 3 didn't show opening a beer, with another beer.


1. cool it good
2. no sunlight
3. know how to open with no opener
4. pour good
5. know how to uickly remove the extra foam
6. drink a beer drink a water
7. shotgunning


Sunlight is why green bottled beer always tastes "funny." Some people actually learn to like the skunky taste that Heineken often has because they've never drunk it not skunked. They think Heineken is expensive beer and so it must be good, and they learn to associate that taste with "good" beer. I had a roommate in college who would tell you he was allergic to green bottled beer. I'm an arch skeptic who will fight with anyone who argues for stupid home remedies or holistic nonsense, and I would normally balk at someone who defined a type of beer by the packaging, but I knew from the great deal of personal research I had done on various beers that there was a characteristic that all green bottled beers shared. It may even be more than one, but one characteristic is skunkiness. Rolling Rock has it a little. Heineken has it in a more pronounced way. Fascinating subject, beer bottles. Actually, everything beer related is pretty fascinating.


Love Jason's sense of humor, always gets me giggling.


"Gentleman are we ready for insertion"


The Moment you realize that the Host are impressed by opening beer without opener
And you think about your School Parties, where Mates are laughed at if they fail doing it with a lighter.
Btw. Beer is allowed at 16 or even 14 with your Parents in Germany
Greetings from Germany


On cooling beer, for the first entire half of this year, I studied abroad in Berlin. I stayed in a dorm-style place, and we were allowed to have beer and wine, but no appliances *whatsoever, * hence no fridges to cool it.
In the winter, I could just set it out on my balcony to cool, but in summer, we had to get pretty creative. No fridge, no cold air, no ice. The best way was just to let it sit in cold water in my (mostly) stopped sink for like 10-15 minutes!


The Beerists are so chill and I'm glad to see them back at TMR! And I can't wait until I can drink (legally) so I can impress everyone with these tips.


Man! I can't believe I learned all of these 7 years ago and they become such an essential part of my alcoholic side. Modern rouge is my surrogate dad fr


For every german viewer, half of those hacks are daily standard :D


Love these guys and love when they do these episodes with Grant and Rubio. However, I'm not a beer sommelier, but if you slightly tilt the can inverted and poke the hole in that position, it won't explode and spray all over. Will give a clean cut, no spray.


Goddamnit Jason, lmao. I have not laughed that hard in literal years! Thank you!!!!


Thanks for the reupload! The first time this popped up in my feed I forgot to watch it, this made me definitely watch it again!
