'The Mustang Killer' - The German Me-262 Ace Who Wreaked Havoc on American P-51s

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In this video we look at Luftwaffe fighter ace and famed Messerschmitt Me-262 pilot Franz Schall. He was one of the top scoring jet pilots in World War II and was incredibly deadly against four engine bombers and the American P-51 Mustang! This was made using the World War II flight simulator IL-2 Sturmovik Great Battles series as well as War Thunder. Hope you enjoy! Please like, comment, and subscribe. #WWIIHistory #WorldWar2 #WarThunder

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My grandfather brought down 50 Mustangs. I think he was the worst
mechanic the American Air force ever had.


People don't appreciate just how good many Luftwaffe pilots were. Here are the top ten aces of history, followed by some stats of the best combat pilot, as well as best soldier, of the war on any side...
Theodor Weissenberger – 208 kills
Heinrich Ehrler – 208 kills
Hermann Graf – 212 kills
Heinz Bär – 220 kills
Erich Rudorffer – 222 kills
Willie Batz – 237 kills
Otto Kittel – 267 kills
Gunther Rall – 275 kills
Gerhard Barkhorn – 301 kills
Erich Hartmann – 352 kills

Then there's Hans Ulrich Rudel, the most highly-decorated soldier on any side during WW2. His famous motto is "Only he who gives up on himself is lost." Rudel's record was so astounding, Hitler created a new level of Knight's Cross for him. He continued flying and fighting even after losing his lower right leg in 1945.

2, 530 combat missions, during which he was shot down 30 times, rescued downed aircrews 6 times, and escaped from the Soviets while barefoot, covering 30 km in the winter. Alone. Unarmed. Soaking wet after swimming an ice-choked river.

His record includes the following...
519+ tanks destroyed
800+ vehicles destroyed
150+ Anti-aircraft positions destroyed
51 air-to-air kills (9 of which were in Stukas against fighters)
Also he sank a battleship, a cruiser, a destroyer, and 70 landing craft.

After the war, Rudel became a mountain climber in the Andes. Yes, despite a prosthetic leg. His autobiography is called "Trotzdem" (Nevertheless). By far the most heroic soldier of the 20th century.
But you'll never hear about him because Hollywood hates him. Why? He never apologized for Nazism.


The ME262 is still a beautiful jet, 80 years later !


Good video, here is some additional information. Georg-Peter Eder had 12 confirmed in the Me-262, another 12 unconfirmed. Kurt Welter had 30 claims as both a day and night fighter pilot in the Me-262. Walter Nowotny was actually not shot down. His Me-262 was damaged after he scored his third heavy bomber kill, but his right engine was damaged, smoking. As he came in to land, he was spotted by Edward R. "Buddy" Haydon of the 352nd FG who dropped down, skirting the treeline. Trying to avoid the German AA fire he saw Nowotny bank for his landing. Losing sight of him, Haydon lifted above the trees, the caught sight of him again. At that time, Ernest Fiebelkorn of the 20th FG also saw Nowotny and dived in firing, but he was too far away to get any hits. Haydon chopped power so to not overshoot the 262. He pulled within 50 feet of Nowotny, on his 9 o'clock left. Nowotny looked over, and Haydon said that he had a "surprised look on his face, like man I just screwed up." Haydon never fired, because Nowotony's jet stalled after losing all power, and plunged into the ground. Adolf Galland and Eder were a couple of hundred yards away and saw the event. I interviewed Haydon, Galland and Eder about the event. Haydon and Fiebelkorn (KIA in Korea) shared the kill, although not a single fighter round hit him. My book, "The Me-262 Stormbird" has all three accounts, and my latest book, "Above the Reich" has the full Haydon interview. My older book, "The German Aces Speak" has Galland's interview, where he also discussed the event. Franz Schall was officially credited with 14 kills in the jet with another 10 damaged/probables, Heinrich Baer with 16 confirmed kills, Erich Rudoerffer with 12 in the jet, and Hermann Buchner with 12. These pilots all had more claims, but these were the victories that could be confirmed.


I live in Parchim. I visit his grave quite often. It is located just a few meters from my family grave. I think only a few people know who was actually buried there. Which surprises me very much. Sometimes there are a few flowers there, I will continue to visit and remember him.


Everyone that lived through WW2 has a story, we get to see and hear them one at a time on TJ3 and it never fails to deliver. Thank you for you service.


Me 262 still has a modern design even nowadays.


I attended an aircraft mechanic school in Tulsa. They had a cutaway Jumo engine displayed in a classroom. I liked to stand there and spin the turbine while I contemplated.


In high school, I had a social studies teacher who had been navigator on a Lancaster bomber. He described how they had just bombed Hamburg for the 3rd time, and after that they called it Hamburger. So while the crews were gathering around waiting for debriefing he went up to a friend from another bomber crew, tapped him on the shoulder and said, "wasn't that a piece of cake". He said the guy turned around with a face white as a sheet and said, "what do you mean a piece of cake?". He found out after that his friends aircraft was the only surviving bomber from a flight of six that a ME262 made one pass upon. According to my teacher, that ME262 shot down 5 of the 6 Lancaster bombers on that single pass. Now, I'm going to be told that's impossible, never happened, no way 1 fighter could shoot down 5 of 6 Lancaster bombers on a single strafing run, but I swear, that's exactly how I heard it out of my social study teachers mouth.


Another highly experienced Me 262 pilot (R.I.P. Alfred Ambs) told me, that they were always overwhelming outnumbered by allied fighters. After achieving the last of his 8 aerial victories - of which 7 were confirmed - he was jumped by a P-51 from above and behind and badly hit and wounded. Alfred told me, that he didn't notice the Mustang 'til it was too late. Luckily he was able to bail out and spent the last days of war in hospital. Lt. Alfred Ambs was a member of 11./JG 7 and flew Me 262 "Yellow 5".


The only thing that bothers me, is the fact that the german wikipedia doesn't contain an article about franz schall, he isn't even mentioned in the list of german flying aces from WWII. But O.K. he seems to have existed. Because I found him in the List of Knights-Cross recipents. And there he stands with everything you claimed in your you-tube video. So good work, no idea why he was forgotten by the german wikipedia.


137 kills before a tragic accident while hitting a bombed out runway hole during landing. Schall was a Me 262 Jet Luftwaffe Ace and it seems a brilliant tactician during air combat. Too bad he didn't survive. A movie should be made on him by Hollywood. Respects from India.


Watched a show that had a gentleman from England. Built a full scale replica, but with modern engines. Looked like a joy to fly.


These old dogfights must be the most brutal and bizarre combat in history.


I enjoyed this video.
With the 262 being such a new platform, it would have been of interest in knowing what tactics the german pilots learned on their way to becoming an ace.


German aces were mentally prepared... & fearless 😎


Probably my great granduncle would have flown the Me262 top, he was a Pilot since day one and also combat experienced, 5 Kills and I think also the flight clasp in silver or nearly silver.
Sadly died defending civilians from USAAF bombing raids in 1944 over

I will never forget him.


This channel is great, and the animations are fantastic !!


The total 262 kills from all units was 742 aircraft of which 182 were p51 mustangs. That is the official total.


You never used the word "kill" talking to German Aces, they used the word "victory". I talked to several including Dolfo Galland and was friends with Max Steinhoff for years. Both flew 262s
