How to improve cheek bones

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This channel is part of the International Association of Facial Growth Guidance. A nonprofit organisation which aims to raise awareness of alternative orthodontic methods and ideas, which too few people are informed of.

The main aim of the platform is to precipitate debate on why teeth are crooked. Most people are not aware that (in most cases) the dental profession has little or no idea why the teeth are crooked, or for that matter why children need major surgery. Clearly there are genetic issues, however the science is clear, the weight of quality research papers, in respected peer reviewed journals, show that our modern lifestyle is a more important factor and most importantly we can do something about this.

This is especially important as sleep apnoea, TMD, forward head posture and a most otolaryngology problems are implicated as other symptoms of the same underlying problem.

Disclaimer; We regularly post discussions and debates from guests and colleges. The IAFGG is not responsible for all the opinions, statements or content of the material posted, especially that from guess lecturers.

The secretary can be contacted at:

Orthodontic Health Limited
Tel. No: 00442086603695
Address: 16A Pampisford Road
Greater London
United Kingdom

This channel also acts as a forum to make openly, speculative suggestions, to find common ground with other professionals (in both related and seemingly unrelated fields), educated lay people and members of the public at large, to either support or detract on the information provided, but either way engage in the scientific process. In the pursuit of the truth it is normal in science to make speculative comments which may not have full scientific support, and we welcome feedback and discussion.

In general, the videos posted on this web site are not advertisements, and will clearly be labelled as such if necessary. Apart from educational books, the association does not sell anything or encourage anyone to have any form of treatment. It does aim to make people think, consider all options, ask questions and become fully informed.

The underlying pathology of malocclusion and the related symptoms is referred to as Craniofacial Dystrophy;

The association feels that it should be possible to prevent or at least minimise the level of craniofacial dystrophy through simple public health measures.
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Thank you very much for the interest in this video. It has been our most successful to date and I we are planning on creating a more in depth and informative video such as this at least once a month. Thank you for the comments and I would like to respond to Looksmax (thanks James) and many other who questioned the choice of Kylie Jenner for the thumbnail and introduction.

She clearly has had "work done", and I might be wrong in regard to fillers on her maxilla, but I am not wrong that she has attained an upswing in facial form. Look closely at her face in the two images that we posted. Visualise the underlying bones and how the whole of her structure has changed. I am sure that neither her or any plastic surgeon involved would be aware of this.

Also she is controversial and an element of click bait does help to spread an important message. While I know that many of you are focused on aesthetic improvements, you are also improving your health in general and there are many people with OAS and other issue who need to hear this message irrespective of how it reaches them.

Sorry that I am unable to engage in all the comments below, I wish that I could but my time is limited and we are working on building the channel and other angle which I hope is the best use of my time.

Best wishes and work hard,

(PS please stop trying to send me personal message asking to individual help, there is no way that I can even read this number of mails that I receive, the best next people to ask are Astro Sky or Looksmax, they have picked up a great deal of knowledge)


Who else was mewing during the video ?


"When muscles and bones fight, the muscles always win"
Give this older guy hope


Pls don’t use Kylie Jenner we know what she did 😂😂


*Mewing intensifies while the video continues on*


One thing's for sure, in ten years time this channel is gonna win the award for having the most attractive and healthy subscriber's children. If that's a thing


After 4 months of mewing, my back and neck suddenly fixed itself and my back feels less heavy! Thanks


“Time is more important than force”
- King Mew


You should have used Johny Depp as an example not plastic girl.


I feel Kardashian family is a mix of photo shop, surgery, and loads of makeup.


My man really used Kylie in a thumbnail, YOUTUBE KING


"Cheekbones. You think they're genetic? Think again." - Mike Mew


“This channel is for the people who are committed.”

Good thing nothing fuels me like the hatred of my appearance! :, D


Gonna improve myself beyond genetic capabilities.

Who is with me?


I found this channel 3 years ago when I was 24. It was difficult to start mewing because of limit space in my pallet, but I did it anyways.
I noticed significant change from 24 to 25. I was breathing better through my nose, felt more attractive, felt healthier, and had more space in my pallet. From 25 to 27 I went from having more pallet space to pallet space not even being an issue.

I still mew and I still try to practice good tongue posture and good swallowing habits even if I frequently forget. This does work. It just takes some time.

I feel really blessed to have started mewing before turning 25, but I've seen a steady and significant increase in the last two years. It's worth it even if you're over 25.


i like how he's not very good with explaining but he still tries very hard for us.


I feel like i found buried treasure watching this.


"When muscles and bones fight, the muscles always win." Sounds like a very profound principle. 😁


What the hell I had no idea she looked that different now... she literally just looked like a white girl before now she looks slightly middle eastern or hispanic


We don't deserve you. But we need you.
