10 Reasons Why Sigma Males IGNORE You (Alphas Don't Want to Watch it!)

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If he feels the need, a Sigma Male won’t hesitate to ghost you or ignore you. People often perceive his indifferent attitude as arrogance – and sometimes they’re right. But a Sigma could be ignoring you for a variety of reasons. It might be nothing personal, so before you jump to conclusions, consider these 10 reasons why Sigma males ignore you. A little warning: alphas don’t want to stay till number one.

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#sigmamale #ignoring

Bloke Box is a channel for sigma males providing honest guidance and practical wisdom for sigmas who have the drive to invest in personal growth, improve their mental health and strive to achieve success and knowledge for a happier life. We offer life coaching and give advice tailored to sigma males in our explainer videos where real talk is king. Come and join us to discover your inner sigma!

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As an Introvert, being a Sigma male is a gift.


*"If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can't hear them..."* If you are reading this, I hope you have an amazing day!


10. Sigmas find a lot of people boring
9. Sigmas dislike certain character traits
8. You boast too much
7. A Sigma is always busy
6. Trust is earned
5. Sigmas get lost in thoughts
4. Don't tell a Sigma what to think
3. Sigma males have haters
2. You're not being logical enough
1. You're being too much of an alpha male


for the ladies, if you want to catch a sigma:
1. be good looking, fit, well kept, dress well, have grace (you are being judged at all times)
2. speak politely, intelligibly, articulate, expand your vocabulary, don't just blurb out uncohesive sentences out of your mouth.
3. be quiet, don't be too talkative and if you have nothing interesting, truthful or good to say, just keep your mouth shut and enjoy the silence. silence speaks a lot
4. be interesting, do you have hobbies, do you have a creative mind and ideas, are you good at something, are you passionate about something, do you have an interesting job etc. many women fail here. you can be tolerated for your good looks and pleasantness, but you won't have a deeper connection and don't be surprised if he favors the company of some other woman.
5. be pleasant, a sigma won't argue with you, tolerate disrespect or rudeness. you'll be immediately dumped in the garbage list and ignored.
6. have courage, and some virtues of good character (kindness, humility, generosity etc.). these do not go unnoticed. sometimes be bold (not rude), make efforts. any effort you make (whether for him or on yourself) is noted and valued.
7. understand him, although it is difficult for women to grasp him, but sigmas will appreciate your efforts nonetheless. Sigmas are not bothered by silence or by being alone. other people's opinions, judgements or values are totally irrelevant. Sigmas live in a bubble, a dimension of their own, and they defend its boundaries vehemently. sigmas value their peace, freedom, independence and self respect above anything and anyone, and especially over a woman. So if he allows you into his inner circle and intimacy, it's because you are worth something. he sees something in you that perhaps escapes even your self. so that is the best most honest quiet compliment a sigma can give you.
8. keep in mind that you are always being judged, always being evaluated. He's always gauging your qualities and looking for reasons to justify your presence (or looking for reasons to kick you out). So don't be surprised if he does something special for you which would be out of character for him (you've earned it) and don't be surprised if he ghosts you (you've earned it too).


My No.1 rule in life - Make you're plans dark as night, then strike like a thunderbolt!!!
Keeps other people on their toes and struggling to figurer me out...Just the way I like it.


We don't care what others think or say. If it's worth our time, we will engage in the conversation. Being yourself goes a long way but, act fake and we'll drop you at the drop of a hat.


Sigmas really are the so called 'lone wolfs' at heart, but that emotional self-suficiency comes for feeling confident that they are unique. Sigmas are aware of what they are capable of if any right circunstance would be presented to them. So before they materialize to reality they already know the potential of the action, and untill the right moment is presented they will be adding more and more to what they already have, so they never loose on being patient. And therefore making them unpreditable sometimes...

Sigmas are also overwelmed by their own thoughts many times...in the end they sense a flow of constant self-worth that results in auto-validation, and they are happy for it and chances are they feel humbly gratefull for it. It really is like a relation itself, so they are not alone and never will be.


I personally like to ignore alphas. It annoys them to no end. They need validation from others so badly.


I dont know about being a sigma but as a INTJ, ignoring people is one of the easiest thing to do.


This is why people hated me all my life. Teachers hated me because they thought I was day dreaming during classes. I got victim of verbal and physical violence against me. As a child I could not understand why? I don't care much about humanity, having a small circle of real friends. Most of mankind are too stupid to understand what life is about and they carry on day by day trying to create their great lives. It's not my way.


Lost in my work was part of the problem I had with an ex...I needed space to think out a work problem and she was in my face trying to interact with me when I wanted to be left to myself. It's one reason I write reports at night - it breaks my concentration to deal with calls, persons calling on me, or everyday tasks.


Selectively social is the protocol. I agree


I’ve ignored a lot of women simply because their physical appearance isn’t priority to me


Before you guys read too much into this, just remember that Alpha males, beta males, etc.. is still just a theory. We all share some of these traits.


Sigma male = so rare
Most YouTube commiters = I'm Sigma male.


As a sigma woman, let’s call a thing a thing: ghosting is a cowardly, disrespectful behavior. I would expect a sigma/alpha will tell a woman why he’s not interested instead of disappearing.


Here i am thinking im broken. Completely. My girl complains "you disappear. Youll check out." Ill go to an event and just sit and watch people. No interest in interacting. Etc. I was seriously considering therapy and medication. Its just, how i am. I cant lose sight of that.


I only engage in small talk to pick apart the character of the subject I'm speaking with. When engaging in dialect with alphas or gammas, I use this to find weaknesses and exploit those weaknesses to crush them.


This is exactly why dating is so hard as a sigma male. I have so many great qualities and offer so much yet I find most people boring. Especially after relearning to walk and recovering from 2 serious head traumas, it's hard for me to care about my woman's problem with a coworker at work she doesn't like. I'm not tryna be mean but I'm always like, really? That's your problem today and if that's what I have to listen to daily I wanna get away from it. Not being mean or cruel but that's just stupid to me. Not the person but their context. I also travel spontaneously. Like I go to a ton of festivals and comedy shows across the country sometimes day of, it's what I work hard for. That doesn't sit well with a girlfriend or wife and I dont wanna give that sort of thing up, it makes my soul happy. I also train service dogs for kids with developmental disabilities and wanna own a kennel, will own. But I fly around the world for a year plus on end to do it for the big bucks, I'd need a woman to be able to handle that. In conclusion, it's almost impossible to date a sigma. I have kind of figured it out and am content. If I changed I'd be miserable.
