Malakoff Torte
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Hoy estoy muy contenta porque os traigo dos recetas que me tienen enamorada. Realmente, es una receta, esta maravillosa Malakoff Torte. Pero uno de sus elementos principales son los famosos Lady Fingers, Löffelbiskuits, también conocidos como bizcochos de soletilla o Savoiardi y os muestro cómo hacerlos con una fórmula que me ha encantado.
Nos encontramos frente a un postre con una historia fascinante que se remonta al siglo XIX en Austria. Parece ser que se creó en honor a la fortaleza rusa de Malakoff durante la Guerra de Crimea en 1855. Los franceses, aliados con los turcos, capturaron la fortaleza, y como resultado, el nombre "Malakoff" se volvió bastante conocido en Europa Occidental en esa época.
La conexión entre la fortaleza de Malakoff y el postre se establece a través de una historia que relata que los soldados franceses, al celebrar su victoria, improvisaron un pastel utilizando los ingredientes disponibles en el campo de batalla. Al parecer, utilizaron almendras, crema y otros ingredientes para crear una torta que pretendía representar la Fortaleza Malakoff.
Una tarta elaborada con bizcochos Lady Fingers, crema muselina y nata montada. La decoración consta de almendra laminada y estos mismos bizcocho bañados en chocolate.
Today I am very happy because I bring you two recipes that I am in love with. Actually, it is a recipe, this wonderful Malakoff Cake. But one of its main elements are the famous Lady Fingers, Löffelbiskuits, also known as soletilla biscuits or Savoiardi and I show you how to make them with a formula that has fascinated me.
This is a dessert with a fascinating history dating back to the 19th century in Austria. It seems to have been created in honor of the Russian fortress of Malakoff during the Crimean War in 1855. The French, allied with the Turks, captured the fortress, and as a result, the name "Malakoff" became quite well known in Western Europe at the time.
The connection between the Malakoff fortress and the dessert is established through a story that relates that the French soldiers, celebrating their victory, improvised a cake using ingredients available on the battlefield. Apparently, they used almonds, cream and other ingredients to create a cake that was intended to represent the Malakoff Fortress.
A cake made with Lady Fingers,crème mousseline and whipped cream. The decoration consists of sliced almonds and these same sponge cakes dipped in chocolate.
#bakestreet #malakofftorte #torte #ladyfinger #löffelbiskuits #cake #spongecake #cremamuselina
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Música del vídeo - Music video
Música bajo licencia Creative Commons 4.0
► Scott Buckley "Whitin Our Nature", "Phase Shift", "Hiraeth", "Moonlight", "Chasing Light" and "The Long Dark"
Nos encontramos frente a un postre con una historia fascinante que se remonta al siglo XIX en Austria. Parece ser que se creó en honor a la fortaleza rusa de Malakoff durante la Guerra de Crimea en 1855. Los franceses, aliados con los turcos, capturaron la fortaleza, y como resultado, el nombre "Malakoff" se volvió bastante conocido en Europa Occidental en esa época.
La conexión entre la fortaleza de Malakoff y el postre se establece a través de una historia que relata que los soldados franceses, al celebrar su victoria, improvisaron un pastel utilizando los ingredientes disponibles en el campo de batalla. Al parecer, utilizaron almendras, crema y otros ingredientes para crear una torta que pretendía representar la Fortaleza Malakoff.
Una tarta elaborada con bizcochos Lady Fingers, crema muselina y nata montada. La decoración consta de almendra laminada y estos mismos bizcocho bañados en chocolate.
Today I am very happy because I bring you two recipes that I am in love with. Actually, it is a recipe, this wonderful Malakoff Cake. But one of its main elements are the famous Lady Fingers, Löffelbiskuits, also known as soletilla biscuits or Savoiardi and I show you how to make them with a formula that has fascinated me.
This is a dessert with a fascinating history dating back to the 19th century in Austria. It seems to have been created in honor of the Russian fortress of Malakoff during the Crimean War in 1855. The French, allied with the Turks, captured the fortress, and as a result, the name "Malakoff" became quite well known in Western Europe at the time.
The connection between the Malakoff fortress and the dessert is established through a story that relates that the French soldiers, celebrating their victory, improvised a cake using ingredients available on the battlefield. Apparently, they used almonds, cream and other ingredients to create a cake that was intended to represent the Malakoff Fortress.
A cake made with Lady Fingers,crème mousseline and whipped cream. The decoration consists of sliced almonds and these same sponge cakes dipped in chocolate.
#bakestreet #malakofftorte #torte #ladyfinger #löffelbiskuits #cake #spongecake #cremamuselina
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Música del vídeo - Music video
Música bajo licencia Creative Commons 4.0
► Scott Buckley "Whitin Our Nature", "Phase Shift", "Hiraeth", "Moonlight", "Chasing Light" and "The Long Dark"