25 HUGE Tips For Getting Into Hardcore Classic WoW

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Hardcore WoW has been rapidly on the rise over the past few months. At it's core its a player made challenge to level a character from 1-60 without dying, and between raids in Wrath Classic, ive been getting rather in to it recently.
So, I thought id share some tips & tricks which I have learned about Classic leveling and hopefully give you a helping hand on your own hardcore journey.
These are my 25 huge tips for getting into hardcore classic wow.

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Important hc tip : never let your health bar below 1%.


The absolute biggest tip is: run early, run often. If it sucks, hit da bricks.

Eventually you’ll come to respect the gut feeling that you shouldn’t do the thing you want to do because it’s too risky, but that can take a while to train


Big tip, don’t take the darkmoon faire cannon in Mulgore unless you’ve done it before, especially at level 43. 😂😢


I'd love the mini series for different classes. Great video!


One of my favorite things about hardcore is that there will never be bots on hardcore.


I have two tips. If you aren't sure you can win the fight, run early. Don't wait until your health is low to run away.
Pulling enemies by walking close to them (body pulling) is different than pulling them with an attack from range. Using an attack to pull something is more likely to pull adjacent enemies than simply getting close enough. Sometimes one is better than the other and it takes experience to know which is best. Don't always assume "body" pulling is better.


"What's Training" is another great addon for leveling. It puts a tab in your spellbook that displays the level you gain new spells, how much they cost, and if you can learn a spell but haven't purchased it yet. This is great information to have so you don't waste any trips to the trainer by either not having enough money or not having any meaningful spells to purchase.


If you're a caster you can use most fences to kite mobs by jumping on one side to the other.


Another minor tip regarding dynamic spawning, is that for the Alliance, if you get a new weapon you have no skill in using yet, go to the Deeprun Tram. The Deeprun Rat critters are part of a quest in the Tram, and since they're killable quest related critters with single digit HP and Blizzard figured that would let people grief hard, the Deeprun Rats are capable of hyperspawning. So if you're a Warrior and you just unlocked a Polearm or your Whirlwind Axe and your weapon level is just 1, go down to the Deeprun Tram and start slaying rats. Deeprun Rats will respawn after roughly a 5 second window, so you can grind your weapon levels extremely quickly if you're willing to spend a bit of time huddled in the corner of a subway playing Wack-A-Mole.

I discovered this completely on accident when I was taking the tram on my hunter in Wrath and was smacking a few rats to get a couple points in my newly learned staff skill while waiting for the tram to arrive lol


Great tips but... What is the point of HC if you use add-ons that make it easier though?


Don’t sleep on the “Track X” Hunter abilities; they’ll save your ass being able to notice hyper respawns on the mini map as you explore caves; help you find the named mobs for quests; and keep track of dangerous elites that patrol low level area (stitches; sons of arugal, etc) same with eagle eye if you want to scout areas for mobs or nodes without risking running over to check


Don’t fight princess in elwyn at lvl 9


Remember that if you do something every hour that has a 1% risk of getting you killed, you're not likely to last long enough to make it to 60. I know someone that got a ton of the achievements for completing difficult quests by a certain level, but his luck eventually ran out.

Know where the other faction's guards are and don't get anywhere near them. I lost a level 37 Shaman to the AV guards because I had no idea they were there, and I wasn't paying close enough attention while traveling in Alterac. This was a few levels after I was one hit away from getting killed by a Southshore guard because I was questing too close the alliance town.

While I didn't die at all from the HC addon death notification pop up ruining my vision or otherwise distracting me, I eventually thought it was going to be all too likely to happen, and left the hardcore guilds on all my characters. While I know a lot of people enjoy the camaraderie, if your goal is to get to 60, it's not worth it. I've come very close to dying due to talking in guild chat as well. You don't need to be in a guild to get dungeon groups; it might be slightly easier, but it's not needed at all.

Play more than one character and by doing so get more use out of rested xp to decrease the amount of time playing you need to level a character. It also means that when you eventually die you'll not be starting over from complete scratch. Plus, don't you want to get one of each class to 60 anyway?


Great video for freshies. HC brought back the fun in Wow for me. 3 tips I always give people who want to try it out:

1. *Use enemy nameplates*
That way if you pull 2-3 mobs accidentally or intentionally, you can easily assess if it's an okay situation or if you want to get out of there early because you see their health bars clearly over their heads. It's insane how many people, even tanks, seems to be unaware there is such a thing as nameplate (default button V)

2. *Keybinds* for god's sake. Health potions, health stones, mana rubies, Keybind Lay on Hands (pala), keybind Desperate Prayer (priest), keybind Sacrifice (warlock), keybind Iceblock (mage) etc. Use it often in the beginning, even when it's not really necessary, just to get the muscle memory in, because when panic sets in and you really need to save yourself, you don't want to waste time to look all over your bars for something to click while you're running - it should be pure muscle memory and instinct doing the job for you. If I got a penny for every time I saw alliance priests death clips where they don't even use their biggest heal (Desperate Prayer) I would have a dollar at least. Don't be that guy. Honorable mentions for keybinds: Slumber Sand/Magic Dust, Sticky Glue, Light of Elune. Light of Elune can save your life, if you have a DC on a flight path for example!

3. *For dungeons* - if you plan on running dungeons with other hc players, skip the DPS-meter and only use threat meter. DPS is not important, what's important is that you as a group survive and clear the dungeon. Aggro however is important, since over-aggro in mid to high-level dungeons with a slightly lazy healer can result in instant death. You mostly never know the skill level of the people in your group, so assume the worst until they have proven otherwise. You could think only really good players want to play a tough challenge as HC, but then you just have to watch a couple of death clips compilations to see most players are just like normal WoW, just casuals, trying to have a fun time.

Other things that might be worth keeping in mind:
If you're a mage, hunter or lock that can dish out some AoE damage, please, for the love of god, let the tank hit on the mobs a bit before you start nuking, this is especially important when you're in a group with a warrior tank, so they can generate rage quickly, and keep threat. If you start by Cone of Cold or Multi-shot at the same time tank charges in, you will rip aggro and tank will have to waste any rage he has trying to regain control of the mobs. At that point you're not helping your team, you're actually making it harder for the whole group. Healer has to waste mana to keep you alive and tank has to run around chasing mobs trying to taunt without rage. I know you want to pump, but at least wait 3-5 seconds before pumping. It's not like we upload logs anywhere, what's more enjoyable for everyone is to have a smooth, safe run rather than having scuffed pulls every single trash pack just so you can be topping the DPS chart.

Always have an escape route ready. Even if it's just 2 normal mobs you're about to pull, with a lot of players around and dynamic respawns, that 2-pull can suddenly turn into 3 or 4 and by the time you realize you need to run there could be even more respawns behind you, making escaping nigh impossible. If you go into a cave and the entrance is already cleared, you have to realize you never know when those respawns will pop up and take that into account when deciding if you should enter or not. If you decide to enter the cave, let's say, and you're fighting a mob inside and suddenly you see a hunter coming running towards you with 5 mobs after him, start running out immediately. If you stay and fight your mob while he runs out, those 5 mobs will then turn on you as soon as he lost aggro. It's very common in caves with unintentional griefs like that. Always be on the look-out for the surroundings, pan around the camera to check respawns/patrols etc.

Everyone makes mistakes, the only thing that matters is that you learn from them, so as not to repeat them. Watch death clips compilations with or without commentary and you will learn a lot, what to avoid, what to think about etc. Don't feel bad if you can not make it to level 20 on the first tries. Most classes are pretty damn weak in the beginning because they don't have the full tool-kit to work with, for example rogues and mages are especially squishy and also hunters before they get pet can be pretty rough. If you die, you can always go agane, so don't smash your monitors or anything because something went wrong. Just delete the character, take a little break, then go again, same class or new one, whatever floats your boat.

And lastly, always record or at least have some kind of app to record the last few minutes of gameplay (like nvidia Shadowplay or Xbox game bar). As long as Blizzard haven't made an official servers, some deaths can be forgiven/forgotten, like for example if you get DC mid-fight or mid-flight, if you have a recording of both the DC and the relog back in, you can post the video in the Classic HC discord and the mods (who do this in their freetime btw) will look at your video and decide if your character is really dead or not. If everything checks out and they see that it was actually the game's fault you died, and not yours, then you are free to going further on that character, basically your death is nullified. (Im about 95% sure Blizzard won't have any way to forgive deaths like that when they make official servers so take advantage while you can). Also it can be fun, if you do some insane elite quests or find an epic or whatever, to have video clip of it, not only for yourself but for others as well!

Sorry for the book, pretty sure no one will read it anyway lol. But good video, you brought up the important stuff like not running with your back towards the enemy, leashing and parry-haste.


my tip: don't get caught up on the level 40 mount. using your gold at vendors for gear upgrades or potions is way more important than getting around a little faster.


My advice for Hardcore is the same advice that i had for my friends when they started classic when it just came out: Dont meta game the fun out of the experience. Alch and engi are the best professions? Cool, but do you really want them or do you feel forced to use them couse they are the best you got? RestedXP leveling advice? well do you want to do everything on a schedule or do you wanna figure it out yourself?
Its a game. Its meant to be fun. If you meta game the fun out of the game, then whats the point? Yeah you might clear the challenge, but did you enjoy your time or not?


Looking at the classic populations, is Classic era about as large as Wrath classic now? Wow.


as a warrior, i always tapped a little hamstring right before their bar was depleted. especially when dealing with slow weap speed. extra mob pulling is the big killer.


Never underestimate your ability to kill runaways fast enough, because more times than not, they WILL manage to grab the attention of nearby mobs.
