What if every child had access to music education from birth? | Anita Collins | TEDxCanberra

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This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Anita Collins shares how learning music influences our brain development, and what this means for musical education.

Anita Collins was handed a clarinet at the age of 9, and it changed her life. This single event dictated her future career as a musician, music educator and academic.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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It hit me when she said this directed to parents about their children, "if they ask to give up, don't let them". It hit me because when I began to learn the guitar, I suffered a lot and told my mom constantly that I did not want to go to class, but she told me that I was not going to give up on that class. And now I am doing better in school, play 5 instruments, and mentor other kids who used to be like me. It has helped me through sad times and made good times better, and for that I am thankful.


Awesome talk! Here we are, three years down the track from this great TEDx Lecture - and the world is such an uneasy place. How fabulous would it be if our politicians could look BEYOND their 4 year term and do something that would have long-term benefits for the country? Anita - you and I see the evidence in our work EVERY DAY. We see "amazing" musicians become doctors, architects, list goes on. Why would you NOT want to give this gift to our kids? Not just for their brains, but for their hearts and souls as well. We need SMARTER people in this world, who also CARE about it and their fellow human beings.


"Babies are born musical." This is one of the core beliefs of Music Together, a music and  movement program for infants, toddlers and preschoolers, together with the adults who love them. There are classes in over 40 countries around the world!


I personally own the complete collection of Leonard Bernstein's Young People's Concerts on DVD. These DVDs are filled with enormous amounts of information designed to teach children to understand and appreciate instrumental music. I have offered to loan these DVDs to several music educators and have suggested that they be shown to their students. The angry responses I get are, " How will that help my students perform better?" or "How will that help my students get better scores at music festivals?" Music education is suffering because there are very, very few adults who support and care about music education, even though there are thousands and thousands of adults in this country who participated in music education. Music educators are not even trying to teach their students to appreciate legitimate music and when those students become adults, they do not support music education in any way.


from the perspective of someone who has been in music education of some form since I was 3 years old - I am constantly grateful to my parents for putting me into music at such a young age


WOW ... Just WOW - This woman needs to be in Canberra as the PM


We need you as an arts education lobbyist. There are many adults that need to be educated on this who are making life changing decisions for many people. Thank you!


Yes indeed....you are defiantly on to something Anita with the learning of music and the Brain!
When I was 3, I had a drowning incident in which I was rescued and apparently recovered.
When I was sent to school, 2 yrs later.... I became a D & F student most of my school life until I discovered music at 16 and was lucky enough to have a very open minded... but focused teacher (WW2 Veteran) that insisted that I read music notation. Within about 8 mos. I went from the D & F student to the A & B student!

I wish we could get the education sys. to realize this here in Calif.USA. But they have deaf ear's on the subject.


Thank you Anita!  I've just started working as a primary school music teacher in Sydney- hopefully there will be a growing number of us... :)


This is really helpful for my senior project... I have always loved to sing and I've always studied better when I listen to music.


As a 50-year-old now I taught my self to play keyboards in the 80s and had a career for over twenty years as a full-time musician, I only play for fun now this may sound strange, but i feel smarter while playing and after playing my piano still today, it's like my brain is going for a run and it feels energised for a short time afterwards, it wasn't till I learned how to sing and play at the same time that I felt the fireworks, I'm glad to know I wasn't dreaming, the fireworks were real. great talk thanks.


One of the most in-depth, relatable and thought provoking TEDx presentations ever! Thank you!


This is so interesting and excellent!! I want to be a music teacher/therapist in my future because I've seen it help so many people!! I've seen music come into peoples lives when they were deeply depressed, on drugs, alcohol and has saved them. It has saved my life as well. I don't know where I would be without it and I owe it all to my music teachers!!! It's so important and is so upsetting that so many children can't have the same opportunities in music education as I do. I hope to help change this and to have a band program in every school!!


Certainly education is a tap root for cognitive redevelopment
Exactly the right outlook on true events in some of us ? Very
Good to have a monitoring background for those of us who
For no other reason than a desire to learn


The importance of music education is so underrated. The biggest problem is that not enough people get acces to a music education because they think they will not like it or they just don't know it exists. This is exactly why it has to get more attention: learning music is about so much more than just learning music. Like Annita says it's firework in the brain, that gives you benefits in so many more areas than just the area of music.


I think Music Education plays a great role in a child's life and should be available in all schools


The science is great, the effect on cognitive ability, the flow in effect it has. The effect on mental health is huge and that is something this society could really benefit from.


Great talk! We must be cautious when we use the term "Music Education." As an educator, who has spent a LOT of time in many different schools, both government and independent, I have been alarmed to see what goes on in some schools under the guise of music education. This is the fundamental problem of our profession - that educators don't agree on what music education actually is. Lots of time on Powerpoint, or designing a CD cover, playing with music technology, or talking about likes/dislikes is NOT music education. Real music education is founded on a belief that we are all musical and focuses on developing one's musicianship. It is about humans responding to music as composers, performers and listeners.


I'm an art guy, but have always played music. It has been my experience  (after 27 years of teaching) that Art thinking in general aids in developing out-of-the-box problem solving skills, "What-if" possibility thinking, and faith that everything will come out just fine. I'm with you, Anita!


Great talk, I'm absolutely agree. I think Music is the best way to learn and to create really close contact between parents and kids, especially it's important in early period, when child are super very sensitive to all the sounds around. It will be cool to have some online platform to learn music online with kids, which will be for everybody, not only for those who have professional music education.
