Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance Class 12 | NCERT Chapter 2 (Part 1)| CBSE NEET JEE |One Shot

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0:00 Introduction
0:48 Electrostatic potential energy
9:18 Electrostatic Potential
11:06 Electrostatic Potential due to a point charge
13:59 Potential & Potential Difference
15:40 Potential at a point due to a system of charges
17:01 Potential due to electric dipole: Axial point
21:38 Potential due to electric dipole: Equatorial point
24:31 Potential due to an electric dipole at any point
26:55 Problem 1
31:50 Problem 2
36:19 Equipotential surfaces
50:34 Electric field & Electric Potential
54:06 Potential Energy
54:21 P.E.of a system of charges
58:16 P.E.of a system of N point charges
1:03:20 Problem 1
1:06:50 Problem 2
1:09:48 an external field:Single point charge
1:15:49 P.E.of dipole in an external field
In this video we will cover: -
1.Two charges 3 × 10–8 C and –2 × 10–8 C are located 15 cm apart. At what point on the line joining the two charges is the electric potential zero? Take the potential at infinity to be zero.
2.A regular hexagon of side 10 cm has a charge 5 μC at each of its vertices. Calculate the potential at the centre of the hexagon.
3. If one of the two electrons of a H2 molecule is removed, we get a hydrogen molecular ion H2+. In the ground state of an H2+, the two protons are separated by roughly 1.5 Å, and the electron is roughly 1 Å from each proton. Determine the potential energy of the system. Specify your choice of the zero of potential energy.
4. Calculate the electric potential energy of the system of charges.
5.NCERT class 12 physics chapter 2
6.NCERT class 12 physics chapter 2 Electrostatic potential
7. NCERT notes class 12 physics chapter 2 Electrostatic potential
8. NCERT solutions class 12 physics chapter 2 Electrostatic potential
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Roshni Mukherjee, the Founder-Educator at LearnoHub has been building this free learning platform since 2011. She has been recognised as one of the 100 Women Achievers of India by the Ministry of Women & Child Development and felicitated by the President of India in 2016. Roshni has been invited by Google to speak at Global Education Symposium 2017 held at Google Headquarters, California. Limca Book of Records also recognized our work.
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