Can fillings play music?

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There are many urban legends about people being able to pick up radio signals through their tooth fillings. Is there any truth to those claims? One famous example is Lucille Ball who said that her fillings even helped to unearth a Japanese hideout where spies were emitting morse code signals.
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As far back as I can remember, around 10 years old, sometimes when I would put my teeth together. I hear voices talking, but, muted, no distinguishing words, but, sounding like from an old radio. This happens as of this day, and I'm in my 70's!


I have metal fillings. One day driving near my local airport I picked up a radio wave from what I believe was airport security. I could feel the vibrations inside my jaw, and hear the transmission in my head. It was clear as day. It went on for over 15 seconds. It happened again but was very brief, again while driving. 2nd time sounded like a radio station.


Look... I have no idea how. But it happened to me. I was about 15ish or so. I remember kinda feeling a rhythm in my teeth & in my head. I recognized it as a song. When I turned onto the radio I found a station playing that song basically about the same spot in the song. I shut off the radio and repeated several times on the same radio station. Taking a guess at what song it was and being right. This lasted idk. About a half hour or so. It only happened once or twice. Totally willing to accept that it was happenstance. But it was really eerie either way.


Came from Tom's video. Just wanted to say I'm enjoying your content


Happened to me in my mid twenties, I lived in a high rise apartment and twice in the same week I woke up at 4am ish because my bottom back molars felt like they were melting in my mouth. As I sat up and opened my mouth (normal pain reaction) I could hear a man and a woman taking like radio hosts. I didn’t pay attention to what they were saying, it wasn’t very clear. It lasted about a minute and their tones changed as I opened and closed my mouth which confirmed to me it was coming from my mouth. The pain came in bursts… and was eventually unbearable. I got up to drink some water and brush my teeth for pain relief… it stopped once I got up out bed.
The second time it happened (around 4am ish) I was very tired and less amused/curious… so I swashed a bunch of spit in my mouth and moved my body around until it stopped. That time it only lasted about 15-20 seconds and was also very painful.

My theory is that at that time of night they may have been adjusting output wattage or something and somehow it resulted in my fillings vibrating in a way that produced sound.
It’s been about 20 years since and hasn’t happened since.


I came fromTom's chanel. Instantly subscribed! You're great!


We had a network connection that was getting errors all the time. When we were tracing it down, our fox and hound tool would pick up Radio Disney when held close to the wire. It was picking up interference from somewhere. We replaced the wire and all was good.


Tom Scott brought me. I subscribed in an instant!


It's true you can pick up radio waves thru fillings. I was about 12 years old soaking in a hot bath and did what bored kids do by spewing water out of my mouth. I sunk low in the bath, opened my mouth and had a little bit of water in my mouth and was about to spit it out, closing my mouth slightly to where the upper and lower filled molars nearly touched and that's when i felt a vibration in my back teeth and heard a radio DJ saying "'re listening to KIXS Killeen Temp..." then the sound dissapated like the static electricity had depleted out of me. I tried to do it again but could not repeat what had happened. At the time i had about 4 back upper and lower fillings and a bottom inner metal retainer that was designed to straighten my bottom front teeth by pushing the metal brace from the inside out, those teeth were pointing inwards. Pretty cool experience. I tell that story to my dentists all the time and they have never heard of anyone else ever experiencing that...


ah c'est rare de voir un youtubeur de la province qui fait des vidéo avec tant de qualité! Bravo!


She talked about it on a talk show. Look it up…


Most people who have very few subscribers seem awkward and shy in front of a camera. You, however, seem like such a natural and all your topics are absolutely fascinating. I'm so glad Tom Scott chose you for one of his videos!


Could this be the origin of v2k voice to skull technology?


In the 70's our church was literally next door to a professional radio station transmitter. It would come through the preacher's hardwired mic and PA system. (way back before churches all had wireless mic/PA sytems). Giving the impression that if the radio signal is strong enough, electrical devices that aren't supposed to be radios will start behaving like radios. And based on my personal experiences, I assume lots of other electric guitar players have also experienced tuning a radio station through their (again fully hardwired) guitar and amp setup, at least sometime in their life. Usually it's quiet in volume, but at times specific songs can be identifiable.


Came from Tom's channel. You have amazing presence on screen. Keep it up! You earned my sub sir.


I've been watching since the 30 views-per-video days of Zeanut Jam, so it was quite a surprise to see you over on Tom's channel! Its nice to see you're starting to get the attention you deserve. Keep up the good work!


The Galena radio devices come to mind as the simplest receiver of radio waves.


If true I bet these people lived within a few miles of the radio transmitter. When you are that close that station will come through all kinds of electronic devices. I have seen a radio station come through an amplifier that didn't even have a radio tuner in it. I have seen it come through the needle of a record player. Look up crystal radios. They sell the kits online. You can pick up AM radio stations without batteries. The volume will be weak, but they work. I think it's very possible a tooth could do this close by the transmitter.


I'm another one who came here from Tom Scott, I love your channel! Great work!

<insert emoji of choice>


Well spoken with good production quality. not sure how you only have 5k subs. I guess getting the word out is pretty hard.
