Gravity Simulation - Forming a Planet with Cubes using MEL Scripting
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Here we go. We are on the next step finalizing this project.
This time I've ran the simulation with 4000 dice.
Yep, you're right - we're back to dice, as many of you wished.
The animation is driven by a script, which calculates the accelleration (or gravitational force) between each die on a per-frame basis. This is then added to the properties of the rigid body (Bullet Proof Rigid Body).
The initial distribution of the dice, inertia, speed and so on is also generated by a script.
I'm going to run this simulation again with different parameters, as the final rotation is too fast, yet.
I'm also going to provide you the scripts along with my final version.
This time I've ran the simulation with 4000 dice.
Yep, you're right - we're back to dice, as many of you wished.
The animation is driven by a script, which calculates the accelleration (or gravitational force) between each die on a per-frame basis. This is then added to the properties of the rigid body (Bullet Proof Rigid Body).
The initial distribution of the dice, inertia, speed and so on is also generated by a script.
I'm going to run this simulation again with different parameters, as the final rotation is too fast, yet.
I'm also going to provide you the scripts along with my final version.
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