Writing Prompt 62: Yep I have nothing to caption this one. #writingprompt

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Living in the gutter, we learned to abide by different rules, different gods. I glanced at (name) as we crouch by the booth. The gods say we shouldn’t steal.

Our gods don’t care. They don’t care if we steal. It’s the lying and the cheating that they don’t like. If we’re caught, we have to tell the truth. Then again, we haven’t been caught yet. Our gods protect us well enough from that.

I jerk my head, indicating that (name) should start moving. One hand slips up, snatching an apple, while (name) distracts the owner. I grab five apples before sneaking away, and once out of sight, I sit and wait for (name). We have enough food for a day or two now.

(Name) comes flying around the corner, and I bounce to my feet. She nods at me, and we continue. Another successful mission completed. Our gods would be proud.
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