Rich Lowry: The Case for Nationalism

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Rich Lowry, editor of National Review and author of The Case for Nationalism: How It Made Us Powerful, United, and Free, is a leading innovator in national conservative thought circles. A respected conservative commentator, Lowry joined National Review in 1992 and was hand selected by William F. Buckley Jr. to lead the magazine in 1998. He’s been a frequent guest on Fox News and is the best-selling author of Legacy: Paying the Price for the Clinton Years and Lincoln Unbound.

Lowry has taken his extensive experience and conservative ideology to his new book, The Case for Nationalism: How It Made Us Powerful, United, and Free. In this book, Lowry argues that nationalism is not a dirty word, refuting criticism from the Left and the Right that nationalism means fascism, militancy and racism. Instead, Lowry shows us that nationalism means self-realization and identity, chronicling the history of America and how nationalism was integral to its success. Through The Case for Nationalism, Lowry argues that now, more than ever, is the time to rekindle a healthy sense of American nationalism in our civic life.

Join us as we welcome Rich Lowry for a discussion on nationalism and why it matters.

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Is this where Rich Lowry says the N word?


If it doesn’t effect policy, it’s not Nationalism.


Starts saying he voted for Ted Cruz.

*Wants to be taken seriously*


He is talking elementary nationalism. Disappointed!


A frequent guest on FOX “news” where he used the “N” word to describe Haitians.


32:03 "There has to be a loyalty above those things." Things like tribalism, race, identity. On what planet does Rich come from? Let's roll the dice with the future of our nation and bring in all kinds of people from the four corners of the Earth. What possibly could go wrong? These conservative ideologues are actually going to be the cause of the downfall of the United States. It's already too late and the States needs to break up so that different people can live in places and associate with the kind of people they want to be with and not forced to integrate by government decree.

31:06 "National loyalty should not be about race." "Should"? Since what did "should" have anything to do with reality? The best immigration policy we ever had was by Republican President Calvin Coolidge in 1924. Rich Lowry wants Americans to assimilate with foreigners. Does he want America to be a nation of mongrels? The best way to define a nation is by a culturally and racially homogeneous people. These so-called conservatives don't have a clue why Japan has a low crime rate and no racial problems.

21:19 Rich purposely avoids mentioning that people self-segregate not just according to culture and language but by race.

9:31 Rich uses a fictional story of a White and Black person meaning at the steps of Paris Opera House. They instantly have something in common which unites them. What about all those White Americans that are LARPing to Black hip hop culture and gang bangers? What has Black culture contributed to White American culture?


What an articulate gentleman .
Great broadcast .
