ANCAP TELEVISION COMMERCIAL (2018) - 'Safer Vehicle Choices Save Lives' campaign

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ANCAP TELEVISION COMMERCIAL (2018) - 'Safer Vehicle Choices Save Lives' campaign
[60 second compilation]
Meet Anne and Michael. To get around, Anne drives her much-loved 1998 model hatchback – handed down from her grandma. Michael drives his 2015 model car to and from work, and to transport his family on weekends.
Anne and Michael are strangers, but they do share something in common. They travel the same road each day. It’s a typical, un-divided road joining their neighbouring suburbs.
After many years seeing the number of lives lost on our roads decrease, concerningly, this trend has reversed. The number of Australians and New Zealanders dying on our roads is increasing.
As Australasia’s authority on vehicle safety, ANCAP has explored possible reasons for this shift, with recent analysis of the Australian and New Zealand registered light vehicle fleets revealing:
- Older vehicles are over-represented in fatal vehicle crashes; and
- The average age of a vehicle involved in a fatal crash is increasing.
[60 second compilation]
Meet Anne and Michael. To get around, Anne drives her much-loved 1998 model hatchback – handed down from her grandma. Michael drives his 2015 model car to and from work, and to transport his family on weekends.
Anne and Michael are strangers, but they do share something in common. They travel the same road each day. It’s a typical, un-divided road joining their neighbouring suburbs.
After many years seeing the number of lives lost on our roads decrease, concerningly, this trend has reversed. The number of Australians and New Zealanders dying on our roads is increasing.
As Australasia’s authority on vehicle safety, ANCAP has explored possible reasons for this shift, with recent analysis of the Australian and New Zealand registered light vehicle fleets revealing:
- Older vehicles are over-represented in fatal vehicle crashes; and
- The average age of a vehicle involved in a fatal crash is increasing.