You Need To Know THIS About Amano Shrimps

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Amano shrimp are great algae eaters but have some downsides. This video explains these issues to help you decide if they're right for your aquarium.

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I had EVERY SINGLE problem mentioned in this video. I lost a lot of beautiful SNails and fish due to my amano shrimp and it took me quite a long time to figure this out. I wouldn't put them in my fish tank again. Thank you a lot for this video!


I'm a big believer in these shrimp no matter what. However, in my smaller tanks if/when the Amanos get too big they are often guilty of some of the things you discussed. My solution is to catch the giant ones out and acclimate them to a bigger tank.


Occasionally, I saw my Neocaridina attempts to graze on my corydoras, much to their consternation. But none of my corys are sick, which leads me to the hypothesis that the shrimp wants to eat something (that we can't see) on the fish's slime coat instead of the fish themselves. Amano shrimps might also try to do the same to fishes around them. Just my 2 cents.


Guys, there is some misinformation in this video. Do not let this video scare you away from Amano shrimp. Based on the video footage, I suspect his issue is an over population of Amano shrimp. Which, when competing for food, will become very aggressive and find alternative food sources.
Some of the information here is scientifically true, (like their need for calcium) but most the rest is speculation, and unfortunately, worded as solid fact.


I just want to thank you for the videos.


Very interesting, thanks for the information 🙏


Very informative video! I can't get amano shrimp in my country so I purchased North Queensland algae eater shrimp. People say they are as good as amanos. They ate staghorn algae too, which was impressive.
I would like to know what this algae is called at 0.16? No snail or shrimp eats it in my tank.


All due respect, you've made a LOT of assumptions in this video without any evidence. It's super common in the hobby but these are pretty egregious. For example, you assume the amanos eat soft plants after adding algae-covered plants to your amano tank. Sure... Or the plant's leaves were dying due to algae already, and the amanos were doing their job as detritivores.

Same problem with your conclusion about the molts - saying that amano shrimp only eat their molts quickly if they're low on calcium. Most shrimp eat their molts to regain the minerals in them. It's a perfectly natural instinct. Some of yours may have left their molts for a while but we can't really draw any conclusions from that UNLESS you want to tell me you also found your tank had low GH at that time or something.

This video unfortunately did not provide any evidence for your assumptions. Visuals and voiceover were good.


i have 3 amanos with 100+ cherrys and a few snails. I have not seen them bother the snails, it's mostly the cherrys but i guess they are cleaning the shell. The shrimp are fun to watch as they can steal whole flakes and hide from cherrys, however then can seem aggressive when it comes to feeding, i see them walking over cherrys and doing the grabby claw thing but they're probably not harming them. My plants tho, amazon sword i think are have are holey and ripped.


they annihilated my althernateras. I was baffled and realised they were too good at cleaning. They are ferocious eaters.


Pretty cool information, had had experiences like this myself👍


i bought 6 amanos and havent seen them since i put them in the tank, i drip acclimated and everything but they are hiding under the decor. i bought some java moss to hopefully encourge them to go out but to no avail


As they get older they like protein. My old amanos would actively hunt for fish eggs and fry and even sleeping nano fish.

I would only keep then with fish larger than they are and when there is no intent to breed.


Lovely Information Friend Thank You Love ❤ From Chennai India


yeah.... i think i need to feed my amanos more. i couldnt figure out why my alternantheras reineckii were getting wrecked. i thought it was a deficiency, tried stuff, still getting wrecked.. i couldnt find many stories on amanos eating them. only here and there, but the majority is ppl saying deficiency. but adressing possible deficiencies didnt help in my case, so im gonna try to just feed them more.. im bummed cause i love those plants.
what u said about the molt seems a bit off tho? like, mine will start munching on it pretty fast, but only for a little, and then they leave it for a bit, untill they come back to it again. i think it might be more important to look at the speed with which it is consumed entirely, not how fast they start on it.


You might want to feed them more protein if they are going for live fishes


Idk much about amanos....I can say with certainty they are very very aggressive when hungry... shrimp fights get ugly. I feed with sinking pellets and powdered food for right now. I think overstocking plants is best for generating lots of biofilm and places to hide from Amanos.


i never knew they could attack fish! do they like soft or hard water? or more neutral.


Amano shrimp is way too expensive and hard to find
They only available online/ in Jakarta only
Cherry shrimp do same as amano, smaller, colorful, and bcs its small size, needs a bigger population
