Life Update Why I've not been uploading | Hayley Morris

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I know this was filmed some time ago, but I am so sorry to hear of your losses, particularly your dad. I have just found you on YouTube and hope you find your way back. As a woman, I can absolutely relate to your videos and I really love them and enjoy the many, many laughs they give me! I wish you well.


This was filmed a year ago, but I want to tell you that I’m so very sorry for the loss of your dad ❤ you are probably one of my favorite people on YouTube right now and I appreciate you sharing this with us.


"I'm absolutely ok as I can be, obviously I'm not ok, if it makes sense."
It makes sense. Love you.


Just seeing this 2 years later. Just wanted to send strength your way. I lost my dad a year ago to dementia and then a week later moved into my new home with my husband. I'm still processing and dealing with my father's passing. I'm so glad you have a wonderful network of people to help you through this.


I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. I’m really grateful for your videos as my dad got diagnosed with dementia last year and I didn’t know anyone who’s parent had it. We are a similar age. Hearing you talk about it made me feel less alone.


I'm 69 and I have mild dementia.
I have good days and bad days.
But, im dealing with it.
But, it's all good,
I think, i will be around, for a while.
Is it scary?
I'm terrified of totally losing my memory.
But, lets all be positive, about this disease and make the best of it.


I've only just discovered you within the last month. I realize this was a year ago now, but I'm so very sorry for your loss and grief. I hope getting through it has gotten easier.


I saw that this post was 2 years old, but still just wanted to offer my condolences. Additionally, I want to CELEBRATE your decision to seek out therapy and let your fans know that there is NO WRONG WAY to grieve. As a therapist, I agree 100%! Also, thank you for bringing me small moments of joy throughout the week. They are desperately needed, TOTALLY appreciated!! Keep your head up and please keep making your content! The world needs you!


Ms. Hayley, my mother passed away suffering from Pick’s dementia. What a very hard journey.
One of the stories I still tell of her is the time I had to leave her unsupervised (early on, before I was able to get help) so I could go to work. I came home and the apartment was filled with smoke. In the oven were these little black hockey pucks. I had to go back to work the next day, so turned the circuit breaker off to the oven for her safety. When I came back home four hours later, she had started the oven up again with nothing in it this time.
I just looked at her and wondered how this woman who could not remember her way from the bathroom to the living room still had the gumption to know how to problem solve a non-working oven and then find the correct circuit breaker to turn it back on!! Thankfully nothing horrible happened and I was able to get my sister to help with mother after that. I’m always filled with relief when I think of how tragically this story could have ended, however it also reminds me of what a struggle it was to care for a mother (still in her fifties) who needed 24hr supervision. There is no help out there. I was alone trying to support her and also keep her safe. Picks was fast moving. She passed away after only about 8-9 years with the last 2 yrs being with her in a group home.
Not trying to make Ms. Hayley’s problem about me, just trying to share in solidarity.


Dear Hayley. I wanted you to know that I’m seeing this video for the first time a year later. It was top of my recommendations and this cannot have come at a more appropriate time.
In August, we learned that my father has terminal cancer and not given long to live. He is currently in hospital, looking forward to coming home for his final weeks.
My mother has dementia as well. She is in hospital after having elective surgery on her knee. The tragedy is that she has forgotten that my dad is terminally ill.
I wanted to give you my condolences and to tell you that I am going to use your idea of expressing gratitude.
Bless you Hayley. Thank you for making this video and I am grateful it came to me at this time.


Dementia is a double loss as you can lose people twice. To anyone suffering including Hayley (thank you for your humour). Small steps and a journey can have steps back and forward. It is ok to not be ok. Love to all x


I know it's been almost 2 years since this video, but I recently found your content. I lost my Mother at 19. It's been over 20 years, but it still hurts. You're not alone. You make so many people laugh...hope it continues! ❤


I’m a new viewer and I’m so sorry for your loss. I know this was filmed last year but after losing my mom I know time really doesn’t “heal all wounds”. So I wish you peace on the days when it’s really hard in the years to come. Thank you for all the joy and laughs you give me when I am struggling. ❤


I'm a new viewer and it's 2023. I'm rooting for you. Good and bad. I'm rooting for you.


I just discovered you recently, but I love your channel. I am so sorry to learn about your father.


Nov 2022. Just now seeing this. I’m so sorry for the loss of your Dad. Thanks for sharing your pain with us. We love you. I love you.


I'm sorry to hear about your dad. As someone who lost her daddy 26 years ago and did bottle it up and did minimal processing, I am so glad to hear you are not doing the same. Now, my mum has Alzheimer's and, well, she's gone even while she still lives. It's an odd thing as I'm sure you know.
I should follow your example and make a conscious effort to journal and seek some grief counselling because, you're right, bottling it all up isn't good.


Sorry to hear the loss of your father. Sharing it the way you did shows a lot of courage. The pain never goes away, you just learn to live with it. You have our condolences and thoughts of peace.


Your dad sounds like he was a brilliant father. What a legend. You’re so fortunate to have someone like him. I hope your healing from the loss. Gone but never forgotten


Oh sweet girl, I’ve only just seen this, you give us so much joy and it’s so sad to see you so distressed. I wish I could hug you as I’m sure many of your viewers would. Many of us completely understand what you are going through having been through something similar ourselves. But it doesn’t stop it being so painful. I hope you can cling to the good memories and the crying will diminish but the pain of their loss is something we can’t help you with much as we would love to. It will become less painful over time but your memories will always be there. Good luck. 5:50
