life update

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Thank you all for your patience and love as we've navigated this next chapter of our lives. We finally feel ready to share the truth about what's happened to us over the last couple of months. Moving forward with high vibrations and a whole lot of love 🌈 ✨ Most importantly we are so excited to share the arrival of our sweet baby girl Frankie Lee Fitzgerald.
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Who else started bawling at 9:36 when Eamon told Bec he always wanted her to be the mother of his child? ❤❤❤


I got a breast exam after you were diagnosed. I had a mass which was benign. My test encouraged my office manager to get examined and had breast cancer resulting in a double mastectomy. Her daughter had an exam as a result of her mom’s diagnosis and she had a mass that was biopsied and it was cancerous. Thank you for sharing your story with such grace and strength. Your story led to two lives being saved. Bless y’all and all your joy!


Thank you for sharing your story and your beautiful baby girl. You got this! I was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic breast cancer twenty years ago and I’m still here living a vibrant, healthy life. Stay positive and laugh often! Life is good!


The fact that they named their daughter after Lee their deceased best friend is just so beautiful to see her memory being honored. ❤


Hearing that Frankie was born to “yellow” was absolutely Lee wrapping her arms around you and guiding that perfect little baby into this world ♥️


Bec, I'm picturing you and Eamon doing the biggest cartwheel EVER with your 17 children. Frankie is beautiful and so is your love. 🤗 xx


Dear Lord Jesus Christ, please heal Bec here on Earth from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet! Have her be a living testament of your power of healing! We ask that Bec lives a long, healthy life! We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ! AMEN!


I can't stop thinking about how incredibly powerful Bec's body is to be carrying a child and fighting cancer. In utter admiration and awe of women and the things they can do. Sending so much love!


My Mother had cancer. They found it when she got pregnant with number 8. She was always positive. Mostly positive my Dad couldn't do it without her!!! She lived a long happy life. The day she graduated to the next adventure, she held her 20th great grandchild. Life is so great!


Who else saw this and IMMEDIATELY clicked to watch! So glad to see Eamon and Bec I’ve been so concerned!!❤ Bec, you and I belong to a club in which we never wanted to belong, I beat it and you WILL too! Keep thinking positively and manifesting health, healing and positivity and don’t be in a hurry love, take it easy and at your pace! Eamon your light, energy and laugh are infectious and I’m so glad I found your page. Love you both!!


19 year stage 4 uterine cancer survivor here. Just live was my motto. You have to keep living and be open and positive. Its what got me through it,


Hello my name is Jamie.I found your video when I was first diagnosed with cancer. I ended up having stage four colon cancer that has metastasized to my ovaries and my appendix. I wanted to let you know that I watched all your videos and how positive you were and how strong you were and that gave me hope as well. I am now one year off of chemo treatment and all my scans have come back looking great I just wanna thank you


Who else cried the entire episode?

👋 Hi Frankie!


I am so proud of you both!! I am stage 4 triple negative breast cancer in my 10th year!! Was given little chance and here I am, positive energy is sooo important!!
Enjoy every day with your beautiful Frankie.


My 36 year old daughter was diagnosed HER2+ stage 4 twenty months ago at age 34. We discovered your channel shortly after her diagnosis and we rooting for you through your initial diagnosis and treatment. Honestly we both had to stop watching you when you got pregnant as it was too hard knowing she could never have children. You showed up in my feed today and I am reeling from your news. My daughter has a monoclonal antibody infusion of herceptin and perjeta every 3 weeks and there’s no evidence of disease in her breast or her liver. We are so thankful for modern medicine! Oddly my daughter worked in a breast cancer research lab before she went to medical school. She is an infectious disease doctor and has many cancer patients. We believe her diagnosis (we never call it the C word!) makes her a better doctor, so that’s our silver lining. Gotta focus on the good. You are all in my heart as you share a path with Dr. Daughter Ingrid.


To the Fitz Family- first- your daughter is the definition of perfection. Second- I’m sure you’re going to get flooded with stories- but I wanted to share a personal one.
A good friend of mine was on her way to a family vacation. Pregnant with her second little one. During the flight her nipple inverted. She was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. Delivered her little one early. Began treatment. That was 13 years and two more kiddos ago. She is doing wonderful and has a beautiful family of four. Just wanted to share a story of positivity and hope! Wishing you guys nothing but the best in each and every day!!! ❤️


When you look up the meaning of 222 as angel numbers and it says “Trust that everything is working out exactly as it's supposed to, with Divine blessings for everyone involved, ” and “Let go and have faith.” Frankie is already leading the way in life in your soul 💛


The fact that Frankie smiled when you said her middle name "Lee" ...It shows that Lee is watching and protecting you guys from above!!


I’m so glad you are doing so well, Bec. I’m not sure if you’re reading these but maybe someone on your team will pass this along. I’ve been stage 4 metastatic bc since 2009. (OG bc was in 2005) I had Mets to liver, rib, lung and lymph’s and 2 years later, I was NED (no evidence of disease) for the next 10 years! My life is pretty normal outside of occasional bouts of worry, inevitably around scan time. Btw, my PET scan from just last weekend shows no active cancer. Amazing! So, I guess, I just want you know we long timers do exist! Lean in towards the idea that YOUR outcome isn’t predictable and you are already an outlier. Keep doing what you’re doing because it’s working! Live your big, beautiful, amazing life with your sweet partner and ADORABLE baby! Play and laugh and be goofy (hello, cartwheels!) Make your plans because our cells are listening. That goes for everyone! Much, much love to you all!


“The little squish is fully wireless”😂
Your strength and love is so insanely beautiful. It’s no wonder you baby girl looks like the cutest little angel.
