What If Anakin Realized He Was Being Manipulated?

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In this epic continuation of the Star Wars saga, we explore an alternate timeline where Anakin Skywalker realizes he is being manipulated by Palpatine. As Anakin confronts the truth and faces the Sith Lord in a climactic battle, he harnesses the power of both the light and dark sides of the Force. With unexpected twists and emotional reunions, Anakin's journey takes him from the brink of despair to a newfound balance within himself. Joined by allies like Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Bail Organa, Anakin navigates the dangerous path of a fugitive while striving to prove his innocence. Witness Anakin's ultimate sacrifice and the heartwarming moments as he meets his children, Luke and Leia, for the first time. This fan-made story delves into the depths of character, redemption, and the enduring power of hope.
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But if Ashoka was ok and order 66 had not happened, Maul would be in custody, he could easily prove who Sidious was


story should’ve been called what if Anakin had common sense


I think he did realize it as soon as Palpatine revealed himself but his desire to save Padme is what kept him from listening to Mace


YES! This is the true message that should be put forward. The Force is one. Just as Revan said. "only a fool enters battle wielding only 1/2 the Force."


I thought of quite a different ending which is darth maul testifying that the sith was palpatine


I’ll never let this go: If Samuel Jackson tells you to stay in a room until he gets back, YOU STAY IN THAT ROOM UNTIL HE GETS BACK! That’s all Anakin had to do.


What if Baylan Skoll used his powers of clairvoyance to warn the Jedi Council about Anakin falling to the Dark Side and the Jedi Purge?


Not bad but could have used more information on what the Jedi did during the trial as well as their reaction to what happened with palps, earlier than when it was shown that is.


Thar was an awesome 'What If', with an awesome battle between Anakin and Palpatine. Ir had a crazy plot twist, with an ending that tugged my heartstrings. It even had voices of Anakin, Ahsoka, Padme, and Palpatine.


Alt title: "What if Anakin used his common sense?"


Anakin: The red lightsaber with the chancelor finger prints, the injuries I substained in our fight and the room that was destroyed in our clash. How's that for physical evidence?
Judge: We find Anakin skywalker not guilty!

Jarjar: Meesa timas come. Excute odah 66


I think anakin knew he was being manipulated after palpatine told him he was a sith but he didn’t care because all he was worried about was padme


Palpatine's Lightsaber:


Mas Amedda bringing up their relationship caught me completely off guard that was very petty and uncalled for 😂😂😂😭


This is honestly why i didnt care for Lucas' handling of Anakin's arc in the prequels: it made him look like such a dense chump. He literally CONFRONTS Palpatine and threatens to turn him in after finding out he's the "phantom menace" they've been looking for....and not an hour later is pledging his total devotion to the evil bastard. I get being conflicted because Palpatine was something of a grandfatherly figure to him...but its honestly like finding out your elder family member is a serial killer. You can understandably NOT want to see them killed...but who in their right mind is gonna take him up on his offer to join him in his exploits???

Anakin's actions after stopping Windu go far beyond someone who's desperate. He completely flips who and what he is...just to secure the POSSIBILITY of getting access to something that ONE day MIGHT save his wife. Its so beyond stupid. And while im not above believing there are ppl who could 100% react this way in real life, its a whole different animal to try and write your protagonist to be this disjointed. Ultimately, it was just sad and disappointing to see Vader's backstory handled so sloppily.

Lucas had the perfect opportunity to use the PT to tell a hero's journey tale that parallels Luke's, but ends in tragedy as we see the hero fall for all the dangers that his son is taught to avoid in the OT. We should've gotten an Anakin who starts off a genuinely good man, not damaged goods. Then we watch as his growing acuity in the Force starts to warp his perspective...leading him to commit worse and worse actions even as he struggles to do what he feels is the right thing. Ultimately his corruption by the pull of power offered by the dark side leads him astray of his love for Luke/Leias mother...and into the employ of a man who will lead the galaxy into an era of tyranny (Palpatine). Proper tragedy...and a far more befitting backstory for one of cinema's greatest all time villains (nevermind that its much more in line with everything we are told in the OT)

Such a simple story concept, yet Lucas chose to tell a less concise, more convoluted story that makes Anakin feel less relatable...his fall from grace make less sense...and the transition into his dark side alter ego feel less tragic



honestly, a 3vs1 would be absolutely Amazing:
Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker vs Palpatine
But with Kenobi and Windu joining after Kenobi senses a disturbance


One of the many failures of Lucas while writing Star Wars is the fact he did not give the Jedi a good amount of "brain power". Lucas focused on The Force aspects. We see bounty hunters and Sith using strategy with a mastery not common amongst the Jedi. The Jedi were powerful naive kids blinded by their own arrogance and group thinking.


What if jar jar accidentaly made palpatine fall on the ground and make slip his lightsaber of his sleeve in front of the jedi during the meeting juste before the begining of the Clone Wars ?


This is without a doubt the best alternative ending video I have ever watched .
You got a new subscriber dude


Palpatine's red-bladed lightsaber is evidence that Anakin is telling the truth.
