Right Wing Women

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Howdy y'all, today we're taking a look at the history of women's' involvement in right wing movements in the US. Then we'll be addressing theories as to why women are drawn to these ideologies and movements.

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0:00 - Intro
2:45 - Act 1: A History of Right Wing Women
3:03 - Part 1: Reconstruction and the United Daughters of the Confederacy
26:45 - Part 2: The WKKK
50:59 - Part 3: Women and the First Red Scare
1:05:15 - Part 4: Elizabeth Dilling and the World War 2 Mother's Movement
1:15:21 - Part 5: The Post-War Women's Movements
1:38:04 - Act 2: An Analysis of Right Wing Women
1:38:39 - Part 1: The Garbo Theories
1:50:22 - Part 2: Is the Left Good for Women
2:00:29 - Part 3: Right Wing Women
2:17:07 - Conclusion

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fixed the audio, subscribe or whatever, also share the video, everyone you know, i believe in you


i really appreciate the mentioning of sexism from left wing men. i see it all the time online, guys who claim to be progressive and maybe are in regards to other issues but seem to not give a single fuck when it comes to examining their own biases about women. do NOT call out how a leftist man objectifies every woman he sees, worst mistake of my life


(I watched the first upload before it was taken down.) I mostly agree with the conclusions, but I think the white supremacy aspect of it all is missing. The reason so many middle class white women believed and still do that the patriarchy protects them, is because in a way it's true. It protects their position of relative privilege. Conservative women make the decision to hang on to their position over people of colour and/or working class people in exchange for giving up on liberation. I'm sure the prevalence of sexism across political spectrum weighs into their decision, but I do think many of them (especially those who have more wealth) would still choose the status quo instead of liberation, even if they thought it was actually possible, because it might mean they would lose their wealthy life style gained by exploiting others. It's not that they believe conservatism is in general better for women, of course it's not, as you said, they are not dumb, but they don't necessarily care about other women, it's better for them specifically, or at least better when it comes to the things they truly value (wealth and status).


I appreciate that Phyllis Schlafly gets her own content warning


it was about states rights

states rights to do what


Hi Alex! New to the channel, and I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the footage of your goofing/stimming in the background. I perform so many of the same behaviors, especially the throw/catch, balancing, spinning things. Seeing you show us yourself so unapologetically is extremely comforting to me. Thank you for that. I hope I can be so confident myself soon.


26:42 "Just maybe not the one you'd hoped for"
Right after you said this I started hearing this interview where an Irish woman talked about the sexism she experienced doing standup comedy in the USA. It took me 30 seconds to realise it was an ad.


I love the "the civil war was over states rights not slavery"



Really great video that engages in good faith :o
Anyway, something I've noticed is that leftwing men often leave sexist notions unchallenged when trying to argue against sexist ideas. Even creators I like often do this, and I don't hate them for it, I don't think they're doing this because they hate women or something, it just makes me sad. Of course, it is likely worse on the right, but it is sometimes more frustrating to find sexism in the places that seem to think they're immune to it than to find it in the places you expect it to be. Even if it is worse on the right, many leftwing women find themselves receiving unwarranted hate from leftist men who think they're immune to sexism. (The same can be said with white leftists who think they're immune to racism, allocishet leftists that think they're immune to queerphobia, etc. Esp with the example you give, of allies saying it's okay to misgender a trans person if they did a bad thing, etc.)
I say this as a leftist btw, I do think the ideology of the movement is ultimately more in in line with goals that will be better for women, but not everyone on the left, esepsically men, realizes the ways in which they perpetuate sexism, and it can get very frustrating.


I think it’s important to note that the north wasn’t a body of abolition or equality. They weren’t so jaded after the war that they figured it would be easier to bite their tongues and hand out concessions to the south. The north simply didn’t have as much of a use for slavery. Places like Minnesota have a deeply disturbing history w the kkk, and they are not anomalies. Yes the north had a higher concentration of people opposed to slavery to one degree or another but most of them just didn’t have any stock in the brutal practice.


Wow. You… um… wrote my thesis for me. Gonna go cry and figure out a different idea. Amazing video though!!!


Thank you for never even hinting that every (or even most) bigoted women are somehow puppeteered by evil men. That's something that I see too many people do, and it infantilizes women while also absolving them of any wrongdoing.


Lmao this is word for word the justification for House Elf slavery in Harry Potter.


I legit forgot how small your channel is when I searched for this video in the search bar and didn't find it. How the fuck. Your content is amazing.


right wing women is literally when the logic ain't logicing


Women are not special in the reason why they join the right. Like other marginalized groups, some members will seek people and use their power to harm others in their group they see as beneath them. These in-group and out-group effects drive divisions in order for some to get ahead of others. However, all of these groups suffer from the same flaw that the leopards will not eat their face. The question of why this happens is not as important as the question of how we prevent this division and how we heal these divisions.


i'm not gonna pretend that my understanding of the political machinations of reconstruction are as deep and nuanced as i'd like them to be, but i know that the depth and nuance of my understanding of this era eclipses most persons without tenured professorships in AH. I;m just a middle=aged prick.. i watch videos like this to see what generations following my own are learning about history.; i certainly don't expect to learn anything new from this exercise. you have annihilated my lack of expectations. great job, dude. you've increased the depth of my understanding and made a fan of me with your pacing and subject mastery. please keep doing what ur doing. big ups!


If people didn’t vote against their own interests, we wouldn’t have a Republican Party.




i am NOT kidding, I genuinely just got a donald trump campaign ad part of the way through 😭 this video could not be farther away from that
