Spies, Lies, and Algorithms with Amy B. Zegart

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The past, present, and future of American intelligence…where are we going and how well are we doing? Amy B. Zegart has been analyzing the challenges that American intelligence faces for the last 30 years, and she believes we are at a reckoning point.

Join us for a talk with Zegart, the author of "Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: The History and Future of American Intelligence" where she puts her thoughts into context. In our conversation, we’ll explore some of the key points that she argues have placed American intelligence in crisis. Drawing on interviews with current and former intelligence officials and extensive and diverse research, she’ll discuss how weak intelligence makes the US more vulnerable to attacks on power grids, water supply, elections, corporate network servers, and nuclear weapons; how artificial intelligence, quantum computing, social media, and the Internet are reshaping politics, societies, and economics; the rise of open source intelligence; why US congressional oversight so rarely works effectively or smoothly; and why cyberspace is the ultimate cloak-and-dagger battleground.

Zegart is one of the US’s leading experts on intelligence and a professor at Stanford University, where she is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, and she is a contributing writer at The Atlantic.


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Amy was hugely insightful on so many fronts. A great person to have on this podcast, i'm picking up the book on Amazon today. Thank you for featuring her.


Bought the audiobook and was pleasantly surprised to find that Amy did her own narration. Very impressive! 3 chapters in and I’d definitely recommend it.


Thank you Amy for answering my question on Mr. Steele. He was a great man, and a strong advocate of, and for open source intelligence.


"The TAO of Spycraft" by Ralph D. Sawyer is excellent in describing ancient Chinese theory and practices of deception.


I am so excited for this!!!! I'm out of Audible Credits and would like this airdropped into my life ASAP because I would rather have the hardcover to put on my future Chris Costa like bookcase. Amazon is saying the shipping might take 42 forevers.


As an independent researcher. I have a run into a lot of issues. Cyber security is next on my list as far as a job goes at 54 years of age. The exponential ability of the technological changes being a little plagiaristic here. Never mind I'll just listen. Wow!


Thanks for this zoom a zoom a zoom a zoom.



6:29 Glad I'm realistic and not movie driven 😂 Unfortunately though, this seems to be a problem in society with all kinds of unrealistic perspectives. 🤦 When covert action fails or the outcome shows falsities, it ultimately leads to distrust. There's always something lied about. There's more failures in gov then successes (from a citizens view). On the topic of data, Gov can't PROTECT it as is and yet they want us all online!!!? They haven't protected anything thus far, yet you want MORE? Gov dragged us into their 4IR without preparing. 18:30....OMG I FOUND MY TRIBE (OPEN SOURCE SPIES FOR SAVING THE WORLD)! 😂🙏💯 19:32 glad you agree, because that's the plan.


Pop culture heck yes. You might as well have had Alanis Morissette and Amy Goodman doing this video.


I see everyone at the spy museum has a title and their guest all have a book out and have titles as well. All are smarter than the average bear, just ask them.


They say the truth is in the movies and in the music. I want to know who are they? LOL I love the spy museum. Going to have to get our Man Flint with James Coburn up on the tube here in a minute. That's kind of what started me.


I wrote a 13 chapter book on all this stuff but I had to react redact... I left react in there because I sent it before I proof read it bad boy bad boy. What you going to do? I'm going to go back and edit.et all it didn't sell very well after that. That's the funny part LOL you guys are too cool. Everything I do is on porousness 🐬


I like books. The future of intelligence! Book them down or book them down it's supposed to be em pty pie


I was hoping to hear something about Americans being largely mono lingual and inability to get information in its native foreign correspondence.


Human intelligence can always lie and be a double agent


Did anybody here know that the November 5th 2006 Facebook no whoops no YouTube whoops never mind this platform here was the first date I mean that date not this platform. Was on the CIA joins us. Unbelievable a little late to the game fairly disappointing. Even more disappointing to me being so late to the game actually not too bad. Dang it algorithms


Nuclear sleuths? Or nucular really . Fission versus fusion💩
Dang it just not good enough for this. Woody Allen LOL
