Weaning: When and How to Gently Wean Your Child!
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Let's start by weaning,
Weaning is when your baby stops receiving breast milk. This usually occurs when the baby is receiving nutrition from solid foods and is old enough to drink other forms of milk, though sometimes weaning occurs before that. If the baby is too young to rely on solids, weaning may mean substituting breastmilk with formula.
The Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends babies breastfeed exclusively for the first six months, and breastfeed along with solids for at least one year or more “while mutually desired by mother and baby.” While the World Health Organization (WHO) also recommends breastfeeding exclusively for six months and then “up to 2 years of age or beyond.”
While most kids are able to wean from a nutritional standpoint at 12-18 months or so, most children aren’t ready to emotionally separate from breastfeeding until somewhere between 2-4 years old.
If you need to wean for whatever reason, here are some suggestions to make the weaning process easier for everyone:
First, make sure that you are really ready. I thought I wanted to wean Faith and then caved after weaning her for 5 straight days. Several months later, I knew deep down in my soul that it was time for many, many reasons. I made the commitment and never looked back. You don’t want to send child mixed messages so be sure you are all in body, mind and spirit as children can pick up on your energy. Weaning also involves support from your partner so you want to be considerate of other peoples’ efforts too.
If you haven’t already, night wean as babies over 12 months don’t biologically need the calories or nutrition.
Start talking to your child about weaning… that you love them… that you’ve loved nursing… but it’s time for milkies or whatever you call your breasts… to say bye bye. Tell them often that you love them… that you aren’t mad at them… that they are precious to you
Every time you nurse baby, bring a lovey or stuffed animal that they can hold. At first, you might have to hold it… but they will begin to associate this lovey or animal with comfort.
Don’t initiate or offer breastfeeding. This alone can drop several feedings.
Start with dropping one nursing session at a time. Create another special ritual during that time like go for a walk, color together, have child take a bubble bath or serve them a yummy new snack.
You can try creating an alternative like warmed cow, goat or coconut milk with a touch of maple syrup. Or try a smoothie. My son Griffin took to warmed, sweet milk and was super easy to wean when I was pregnant with his sister.
Wait at least two days and then drop your next feeding. This is going to help you with engorgement. Each mom produces different amounts of milk so some may need to wait 4 days before they drop next feeding. Let your breast fullness be your guide. You can also do a little hand expression to take some of the discomfort away but don’t do too much as expressing milk will ultimately boost your supply.
Wear a big bulky shirt or sweatshirt so that your child doesn’t have easy access and can’t smell your milk.
Distraction is key. This is a time to give snacks maybe you wouldn’t normally give them. To have special toys or activities or even to watch a little show. Remember, this isn’t permanent. These are just crutches to help you through this transition.
Hug, tickle, kiss and rock child as much as you can with your thick sweatshirt on. Let them know how much you love them.
Some moms put lemon juice or apple cider vinegar on nipples to make it taste bad. I never did but thought I would share.
You could also explore drinking parsley or sage tea which naturally reduces breast milk supply to help with engorgement but to also give baby less of an incentive to nurse if there isn’t as much milk. As weird as it sounds, cold cabbage leaves on breasts is an old school remedy for engorgement.
As children love their before bed nursing session having a partner or trusted caregiver take over at bedtime can also help you drop that final feeding.
Whew, so hopefully those tips will help you and your child have a gentle experience. Do know that some kids only take a few days to wean while others may take weeks to even months. The process of weaning is extremely individualized, so there is no one timeframe that is normal.
Just make sure the process isn't abrupt because it could cause:
Engorgement, which can lead to plugged ducts or mastitis.
Hormonal imbalances that can be distressing for both moms and children.
More tantrums, clinginess or insecurity from child
Illness, teething, or a growth spurt can also interfere with weaning, so it’s best to start the process after these pass.