David Finkelstein - Does God Mix with Science?

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Clearly, religion must speak with science: if religion claims to be an approach to the entirety of existence, then it must embed the discoveries and insights of science. Religion, at its own risk, ignores science.

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I was one David Ritz Finkelstein's Ph.D. students, though l eventually finished up in Philosophy (of Physics), when he booted me up to U. MD., from Georgia Tech, to his old friend Jeffrey Bub. My experience working with and knowing David, as all his friends and graduate students past and present can attest to as well, was unforgettable ❤️✨. Not only did he "teach" quantum in the deepest sense, but all thanks to him (and no one else) l learned to "think" quantum in this way. I feel beyond blessed and fortunate, to have been in the shadow and Light of a truly gracious and powerfully brilliant mind heart and soul, sine qua non and sui generis. His influence continues to affect and propagate in great resonance! Ahead of his time and retro causally! Thank you, Robert, for your brilliant work and these interviews! I remember David's humorous crystalline eyes, filled with warmth, strength, and clarity, like yesterday!


Sadly, David Finkelstein died on Jan. 24, 2016.


"Everything is relative": Doesn't there have to be more than one thing in actual existence in some form to be related to? Even existence is related to non-existence, which itself is just a concept that truly exists but only in the mind from a conscious entity in existence, otherwise it is completely non-existent. So, is everything in fact relative, even existence itself?


Do Buddhists believe in "God" or just self-deification ? . . . Misleading Title to say the least !


I wish he had seen the first black hole image.


From summary above : "Clearly, religion must speak with science: if religion claims to be an approach to the entirety of existence, then it must embed the discoveries and insights of science. Religion, at its own risk, ignores science."

Quite wrong about Catholicism (at least) . . . They tried to canonize "Old Science" ( e.g. Ptolemaic ) thereby persecuting the "New Science" ( e.g. Copernican ).
In both cases, they certainly did NOT "ignore" science !


I know exactly why God needed to use characters called scientists, inventors, architects, saints, prophets and believers. If yo want to know why, I'm the only source that exists in this world that possesses the knowledge to know why.


Summary: Religious zealot does another interview with scientist, gets shut down.
