Why Education is so Important in our Life

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Why is Education So Important in Our Life?

Education is one of the most important aspects of our lives. When we refer to Education, we are referring to more than the ability to read and write but also the idea of taking information and shaping how we think and live. In a world were there is an unequal spread of teaching in schools, the importance of education becomes very clear. While an education is a necessity for some children in MEDC countries, in LEDCs, it may be a luxury. From this, there are numerous reasons why education is so important in our life.
Self-Dependent- Education provides you with the financial capabilities to become independent and able to look after yourself financially. It also provides you with the knowledge to make decisions and have an opinion of your own.
Lifestyle – If you have a higher level of education, you will get a higher paid job. As a result, you will have a higher salary with more disposable income, meaning that you can afford a bigger home, nicer car and luxuries such as holidays, gadgets or things which interest you. Without an education, these items may not be affordable.
Health- Facts and figures show that when a female has a better literacy rate and higher level of education, the child morality rate drops. This also means that children will be brought up in healthier surroundings, as well-educated people are more likely to have better jobs.
Life Skills – By studying and gaining an education, you become a more advanced person. You are able to decipher problems, use thinking skills, work with others, manage information and use logic and reasoning. These skills are important on a day to day basis and are vital to develop a well rounded human being.
Social interactions – By attending school from a young age, you develop the social ability to interact with a wide range of people. The longer you attend school, you increase your ability to communicate with others, sharing ideas and opinions that you form independently.
Economic Growth – A country with a higher population with a high level of education leads to a successful growth in the economy. Jobs move away from the low paid agriculture sector towards to tertiary and quaternary sector where a higher income can be made. This money will then be pumped back into the country’s economy through jobs, taxes and products produced.
Equality – Education helps empower women in a country, providing equal opportunities for all. It also helps to create equality through all social classes and races. Education helps break down barriers and leads to a nation where all are treated fairly.
An education helps to provide life long skills for you, raising your standard of living and helping to improve the economy of the country that you live in.
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Being an independent, strong person who can take care of themselves is the responsible thing to do with your life, the key to happiness. So, yes, education is a must.


School takes away our freedom. I have learnt way more from YouTube than how I have learnt in School


To be fair i learned faster with google and youtube than school


It depends on how one looks at it others say its important while other say its pointless either it depends on your prospective, view and understanding


V sauce moment:

What is education?

Education=Educe=Latin for bring out aka bring the gifts out

School: just crams information for no reason


the video image is too poor, you need to fix it more


1:39 The child morality rate?
So what you're saying is that when the woman is really smart, the child will come out as a supervillain?


Bill gates educated himself not by school even he became the world's richest person for 15 years.
Company of bill gates produces revenue of supporting 70 countries at a time


How to have no freedom:
1. Go to school
