How Americans View Other Religions Will & Won’t Surprise You

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"Jews, Catholics and evangelical Christians are viewed warmly by the American public. When asked to rate each group on a “feeling thermometer” ranging from 0 to 100 – where 0 reflects the coldest, most negative possible rating and 100 the warmest, most positive rating – all three groups receive an average rating of 60 or higher (63 for Jews, 62 for Catholics and 61 for evangelical Christians). And 44% of the public rates all three groups in the warmest part of the scale (67 or higher).

Buddhists, Hindus and Mormons receive neutral ratings on average, ranging from 48 for Mormons to 53 for Buddhists. The public views atheists and Muslims more coldly; atheists receive an average rating of 41, and Muslims an average rating of 40. Fully 41% of the public rates Muslims in the coldest part of the thermometer (33 or below), and 40% rate atheists in the coldest part."* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Pew Research:


Ben Affleck vs. Bill Maher, Religion in America, Korasan & Gay Marriage SCOTUS Ruling - The Young Turks 10/6/2014 News & Politics


The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET.

Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)

The Young Turks (Winner - Best Political Podcast & Best Political News Site of 2009) were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution.

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so atheism is a religion yet it is a belief orf no religion im lost


Fuck yes, we're not the most hated anymore!

Granted, atheism isn't a religion.


I'm surprised Buddhists aren't higher. Who dislikes Buddhists?


I would like to say a few things:

1) As a jew it is heart warning to see my people not hated but even at the top of the list.

2) To all the atheists who read this comment. I'm sorry you were labeled as a religion. And I apologize that you were ranked last on the list.

3) To the Muslim community you do not deserve to be dehumanized in such a way I would have ranked you a good 70 because of the kindness you showed my people in the Middle Ages. At least you did not light us up like a hannukah candle just for not believing in your prophet unlike some people ( I will not say but "1492 never forget").

Shalom Aleichem

From a religious jew


why do people hate other religions (and non-religions) so much? it's like caring what goes on my sandwich versus your sandwich.


Muslims : 0
Atheists : 0
Mormons : 0
Hindus : 0
Buddhists : 0
Evangelical Christians : 0
Jews : 9000


Atheists: 100
Jews: 90
Buddhists: 80
Catholics: 50
Hindus: 40
Mormons: 30
Muslims: 0
Evangelical Christians: 0


I had one Muslim friend in the US and I moved to Japan and now I have around 21 Muslims. And to be honest they are much more open minded than any Christian people I have met.


Mine : 
Muslims : 100
Atheists :100
Mormons :100
 Hindus : 100
Buddhists : 100
Evangelical Christians : 100 
Jews : 100
I'm Muslim and this is what Islam taught me


"Hindus are at 50 because people are generally confused by it." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA made my day. x'D


Evangelical Christians: 20
Mormons: 25
Catholics: 35
Muslims: 45
Jews: 47
Hindus: 60
Buddhists: 85
"I'm not religious but I'm spiritual": 0
Atheists: 100


I seriously do not understand hate between other religion. My friends are Buddhist, protestant, Catholic and agnostics atheist. I'm a practicing roman catholic and guess what there is no animosity between my friends and I.


I am an Arab Ex-Muslim and now I am an atheist

Guess I am not loved


i am suprised budhdhists and hindus are not higher .... who dislikes these peaceful religions ?


all religions get o zero points from me but all the religious people will get their points after i get to know them


The only thing I'd like to complain about is that Atheists are not a religious group.


Athiest is Not a religion, it's just common sense


How I rate:

Atheists: 94
Buddhists: 87
Jews: 75
Hindus: 56
Others: 50
Muslims: 48
Catholics: 38
Evangelical Christians: 36
Mormons: 35
Jehovah Witnesses: 28
Scientologists: 0


Cenk, your analysis was right on! I have to admit that I have been influenced by knowing people of a wide variety of religions, and it's almost always positive. The media only shows the most extreme representatives of different religions. What amazed me is that religion seems to play almost no part in how kind a person is, which is the most important trait a person can have. Also, when people of different religions are put together in a way where they have to get along (like work) then they put effort into putting their beliefs aside in favor of being friends (in my experience).


Usually distance myself from religious people.
