Dirtwater - Mountain Man

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Dirtwater performing Mountain Man, the song is a tale about the trials & tribulations of a mountain man from old times.
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I grow up here in North Italy. Free and wild since the childhood.Iwork very hard in a mill shift work. Enjoy freedom and mountains with my wife, my dog and my bike. I think a lot of people working to make money, money... mentally caged.Nature is my medicine. I dream my retirement in my town, with my bike and my jeep, exploring and listen good music.With friends and a lot of beer 😊


I am a mountain man. I like the peace, quiet and solitude. No better way to live. My saying is this " I dont bother anybody and I dont want to be bothered".


I grew up on a ridge we had no tv no internet packed water from a well and no electricity or indoor plumbing … I learned to hunt fish and survive we braved the coldest winters .. my adult life was the same only electricity and water in the house .. I wouldn’t trade my experience for all the money or comforts 😊


The first snow comes from the mountains
And the cold consumes my soul
Chop the last wood of the season
To keep my bones and spirit warm
I hear dogs in the distance barking
Hunting under the midnight moon
The winter wind blows through the doorway
Bringin' in this familiar friend
In the faint light of a lantern
He persists to watch my shadow fade
He won't dry the lonely tears I'm crying
He's not here for a warm embrace
You've gotta listen deep and listen closely
Wise words won't fall like the rain
When he'll be gone come morning
I've to carry on its another day
I'm a man of the mountain
I'm a man all by myself
I'm a man of the mountain
A Mountain man is what I am


This brings me back to when I was a kid listening to my pappy n uncles pick every Saturday night. They all but my pappy who was a soldier in Nam worked the coal mines n black mountain Kentucky. They taught me so much from fighting to how to raise live stock and live off the land. I miss them alot but I know they ain't ever far from the mountains in spirit.


My late dad was a true man of the mountain.he came from a time when there eas no tv.he worked on the helms project in its beginning. He showed me all the trails.all the lakes.how to hunt, fish, how to live, how to fight.trust in the lord, and je will make your path straight, and your burdens light


God bless all the mountain men, women, children and animals in those NC Mountains. 🙏🏻♥️


I’m a prairie boy but now I live off grid in the mountains in Canada. I have water from a well with a generator when I need it. And indoor plumbing. No power yet but solar is next. It’s a much different way of life and I love it. Wood stove for heat and as I type I’m a couple days from a cold snap. Me and my girl and our three dogs are going to be staying in and keeping warm through it. Cool tune for my lifestyle.


This song is real good while sittin' on a porch of a cabin in the woods, sippin' Tennessee whiskey. Goes down deep in your soul and brings out all those nostalgic memories you have in the past. Your hairs stand up a little and you get a weird chill here and there while you listen to it.


Been lucky to see horses plough and cows being milked in the fields with only candles to go to bed walked over 2 miles to school how I miss that life .. This was summer in North Wales in the 60's when I lived in a city but went there due to relatives .. This is where I got what it really is all about Has done me proud and now live in the sticks !!


I didn’t grow up a mountain man, I grew up living the life of a fisherman in NC with my Uncle Bobby. That was sometimes the loneliest place on earth during the winter months. During winter is when the Fish and the few folks that came there for camping or fishing the small creek would also leave. Life was definitely different then.. But we Survived. My uncle died a few years ago and I still miss him! He taught me valuable lessons and I never forgot them.


I took me a few to realize the tune is "Wayfaring Stranger". So cool to hear people using these old folk songs and putting new takes on them!


The first snow comes from the mountains
And the cold consumes my soul
Chop the last wood of the season
To keep my bones and spirit warm
I hear dogs in the distance barking
Hunting under the midnight moon
The winter wind blows through the doorway
Bringin' in this familiar friend
In the faint light of a lantern
He persists to watch my shadow fade
He won't dry the lonely tears I'm crying
He's not here for a warm embrace
You've gotta listen deep and listen closely
Wise words won't fall like the rain
When he'll be gone come morning
I've to carry on its another day
I'm a man of the mountain
I'm a man all by myself
I'm a man of the mountain
A Mountain man is what I am

Auteur : Hannes Bachmeier


I was working on something else while this came on in the background and I dead stopped everything, closed my eyes, and just lived in the moment of this song. There is very little between the strokes of that guitar, his voice, and my soul. New fan here.


Been at that cabin...off and on 42 years..the country just takes your heart much gratitude


My family is from the Tennessee smoky mountains/Appalachian mountains, dirt poor, but raised a rebel who had a rebel son and that’s how I got here


Greetings from Serbia brothers. God give уоu peace and love.


Da fällt mir nur eins ein ❤ Meine Hunde, Einsamkeit in der Natur, Lagerfeuer, Whisky u. der Grill mit Steaks. Danke für dieses geile Lied.


Yes please more of this boss. Love the steel string, voice, soul singing and the meaning. Please I beg, more of this 💞


I had a cabin tucked deep in the woods, no services whatsoever. Some of the most peaceful times of my life
