3 Ways to Discern A Calling to the Office of the Prophet

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The number one most frequently asked question I get when I teach on the prophetic is this: Am I a prophet? How do I tell? In this video, I share three ways to discern a calling to the office of the prophet on your life.

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Numbers 12:6. That's one way to know. Being a prophet involves experiencing some really dark things, as well as a lot of light. People who want to be prophets have no idea what they're asking for. You will not be popular among people or have many "friends." The ones you do have need you spiritually much more than you think you need them....you will always be expected to be the strong one. People will call you and show up at your house for prayer. It's a great responsibility. Never deny prayer from the elders if you think you might be a prophet. Receive prayer as much as possible. If you are a prophet in the early stages, be prepared for intense spiritual battles. You must study the Bible and pray constantly.


When God Calls you to be a Prophet HE Visits you and Tells you! There is no mistaking this because HE Starts showing you Visions end Dreams. It is a ministry learned from GOD himself!


I am a SEER and I’ve been flowing in the Prophetic at a rapid pace in the past 3-4 years. I am also flowing in the Discerning of Spirits Gift, Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom and Gift of Healings. I NEED TRAINING. It’s a lonely and humbling walk. Thank you Lord. Praise God Almighty.


A wise friend of mind said"Your gift will speak for itself, you dont have to announce it".


"You can flow in your gift without a title " 🙇‍♀️


This needs to be heard all across the world because for some reason this office is glamorized and everyone wants to be a prophet. If everyone within the body of Christ would operate where God has called them everything would flow the way that it’s supposed to.


He also tells us that if a prophet is among the people, he will reveal himself to the person in dreams/visions (Num 12:6)


Jennifer. . A prophet at a church I visited.. started talking to me like she knew me.. that night she said I was a prophet. I said no... I dont even got to church regularly. She said you need to accept it receive and get closer to God. All I can say is I'm so schocked.. but as I child I use to see, hear and sense things. I am now attending a church and now I am fasting asking for guidance


When the Lord picked me up out of a worldly lifestyle, my life changed in a instant! I began to have visions, receive heavenly downloads from the Holy Spirit as well words of knowledge. I thought everyone walked in this -- girl was I wrong! I thank God for sending me great teachers. I have a Pastor that over the 20 years has embraced my calling and has help me understand in a deeper level. I praise God for pulling me out hell!!! I am truly blessed.
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I'm also a prophet. And you're right you don't have to be a mature Christian to be a prophet. God called me to be a prophet. My wilderness experience was me being possessed then homeless. My encounter with God was very dramatic too. And thank you for saying that I shouldn't be frustrated if people don't recognize me ☺️


God spoke directly to my spirit back in January. He woke me up around 3am and I felt Him ask "Are you ready?" and with His presence so heavy in the room there
came with it a knowledge of what He meant by that. He meant that it was almost time. Knowing it wasn't a rhetorical question I told Him "Only you know the answer to that Lord..." And with that answer everything sort of got real peaceful.


The Holy Spirit told me I'm a prophet but I have doubted it and really dont want to be one. However I love the Lord and want to honor Him and fulfill my destiny. I will be a prophet.


A prophet is exact about the Word of God. Passionate about accuracy. Lifts up Jesus, the Kingdom of God and doesn't give a care about what others think. They're not wishy-washy. They don't say "I feel...". Things are or things aren't. The answer is yes or no.
A prophet points to God and His Will and His Word, they clarify the Word, and sometimes tell the future but it is about HIS plan and purpose of God FOR HIM, not all these ear ticklers that never deliver a message that OFFENDS MOST EVERYONE. In fact, the Word from GOD challenges everyone who hears it.
Also, a prophet knows who is another prophet and those who have familiar spirits.
A prophet is also put through things first, purified first, faces things first, and the Word BURNS in them.
The prophet exalts GOD, not man. Delivers warnings for purification for good. For God's Will.
The prophet won't have a lot of friends. People will love him, fear him, hate him, but whatever they feel about him, they will know where he stands and know that he is trustworthy.
As for prophesying. That's not the same. I've seen many prophesy and they werent even aware that they were.
God warning and admonishing, foretelling, putting a burden on someone, yes, He does this to any who are walking with Him and are able to hear, that is, those who are not all junked up with carnal and vain garbage.
Prophets are content with the basics, are repelled by vanity, glitz, and excess.
They do not desire recognition.
They cannot help but to point to God and give Him all honor.
They fearfully speak His Word, knowing the judgement upon them for adding to or taking away, for speakung their thoughts in His Name, thereby taking His Name in vain.
Many may see future things, many may prophesy, for Our Father is faithful and gives a heads up to all His Children. Even about things that are to come in the future. In that way we all prophesy. As it should be.
But a prophet cuts deep. Why? Because the WORD OF GOD IS SHARPER THAN A TWO-EDGED SWORD, EVEN TO THE DIVIDING OF THE BONE FROM THE MARROW! That's why. Just like the WORD OF GOD says. So if a prophet delivers a WORD FROM GOD, it's gonna go deep.
But all these fluffy and whipped topping sorts who are loved by everyone? Nope.

Bless God. Let God be true and every man a liar.


I hide in my prayer closet. I wait for God to tell me “when” and then I go. People identify me as a “P” but I don’t want the title. I don’t want to be known. I used to be afraid of this calling. But now I’m surrendering my fear to God. I go to a church that doesn’t really move in the gifts of the Spirit. But we went there because we moved from another state and did not know where to go. So here we are. We are praying for God to give us leading on how to go about it. So please pray for us as well. Thank you! 🙏🏼


The beauty of the 5 fold is that when these 5 work hand in hand there is a solid, strong foundation and then God can pour out the "Full Weight" of His Glory upon it for it has the strength to carry it and becomes a established governmental authority in the earth & heavens. Glory to Him the Head Cornerstone.


I've had 4 disaster visions that each came to pass within two weeks n others that have yet to be fulfilled. I became depressed when 14 people were killed in one of these disasters, I had no way of warnings others. After years of being lukewarm, I finally surrendered all to Christ n though I always heard His audible voice, I began having visitations, words of knowledge & open visions.


I believe my gift is prophetic but lack the boldness and Godfidence to walk in it daily. I rebuke the lies of satan keeping me from God’s purpose for my life and place in the body of Christ. Amen.


"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8


This is the reason why I do not want to call myself anything, because I know I have been called to do something, but I also have endured a lot of trauma in my life and have had insecurity issues, fear etc.... I do not want to operate in the wrong spirit. However, I have certain things that have been with me. 1. Heavy Dreaming 2. When I walk in rooms, I can sense the environment. 3. I have been able to hug someone and sense if they are hurting.


Not sure why but I just started crying as you described the things I walked thru. Never did I consider why I walked thru certain things. This confirmed a lot
