GMG Reviews - SPEARHEAD: Fire & Jade by Games Workshop

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The Skaventide Launch Box has a complete set of the Fire and Jade SPEARHEAD Module for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. This book is a stand-alone format for playing Warhammer in a quick, engaging and streamlined way. Let's check it out!

Thanks to GW for the copy of the Skaventide Launch Box to review.


Intro and Outro music used via Creative Commons "Benji" by Dyalla
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Spearhead sounds exactly like what I've wanted GW to do. A good game, with compelling decisions, that's accessible and not a 'full time hobby' to keep up with


If this turns out to be successful, then I’d like to see GW apply this concept to 40K combat patrol too.


I love the idea that I can go to my FLGS pick the box that has coolest models and have a full army out of the box. The whole “Build, Paint, and Play” is complete.


This game mode alone is what will get me back into Warhammer. I've been hoping for a self-contained and balanced game that emphasizes gameplay over lawyering and rerolling.


Ash, "We've done our best to break this game..."
Announcer, "Paging Gaming With The Cooler... Will Owen please report to the Testing Chamber?"


"I want to be able to play two or three games with my friends in a night, I want to be able to play on a table this size and have a couple beers and laughs and enjoy the process...."

This is the most accurate description of what I want table top gaming. I was really skeptical about Spearhead after Combat Patrol, but you sold me Ash. I just don't have time for GW games anymore, and keeping up with the constant FAQS, the long and grinding games, etc. This sounds perfect for someone like me who wants an accessible game that I actually have enough time to paint an army for and can actually play a few games of when I am able to make to time see my friends to game.

I don't think I have ever seen you as excited about a GW product Ash, it's really infectious and I can't wait to try out Spearhead.


Man, this sounds exactly like what I hoped it would be. Sweet.


This feels like a significantly better implementation of what Combat Patrol was trying to be for 40k - I'm very excited for this, as it scratches my 'oooh, lets try that faction' itch in a managable way. I guess feels more cohesive as a concept? Like the whole new AoS edition and this feels a bit less like 'well it's been 3 years, time for a new edition' and more like someone had a clear idea on 'nah, I can make this better!' for the game.


My group is excited to start playing spearhead. We are going to be doing a spearhead roulette.


Dangit, this spearhead business actually looks kind of interesting! Thanks for the great chat 🙂


I've been super excited about spearhead since it was announced, and I feel like the spearheads have more character to them than the combat patrols. I've already painted up the Lumineth and Flesh-Eaters spearheads and am working on the idoneth one for my wife.


This is the first time ive seen AoS game that im really tempted to play. Combat patrol could learn a lot from this.


Hearing about that the painted armies in the book are staff armies really piqued my interest. Your observation that these would be adults with their full time jobs unrelated to painting these minis finding the time to do that and playtesting Spearhead feels so good to hear.


Great review Ash! Got me super excited to try it out and teach my kids too. Thanks again for this video!


Great insight! Awesome video as always. Ash! I just love the way you connect with what's in our minds (as miniature war gamers) and answer our questions before we even find a way to articulate them. I really enjoy your games and your videos because I know I will find the right amount of depth. I just learned about this new Spearhead format and it sounds exciting. Thank you Ash!


I was really excited for this. I'm glad to hear its been fun and it sounds like you've played a number of games


Hyped for the new Age of Sigmar! I moved on from 40k to Horus Heresy, MESBG and Old World. There are so much better Games Workshop rulesets around.


What an incredibly exciting review. Exactly what we were hoping for. Cannot wait to get this on the table (and show it to some new players)!


Finally, what I've been looking for forever in Warhammer, mostly for the classic wanting to play a game that doesn't take forever, and can play with the fam.


This made me a lot more confident about AoS, and warhammer in general. I know who I need to have a conversation with over the next couple days
