Star Citizen: Crusader Hercules Variant Breakdown

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I still get asked quite a bit on if the A2, C2, or M2 is the right version, but that varies pretty drastically. Let's cover what we know and what they do.

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Nice video, I'm sticking with my C2!


Love your breakdowns and buying guides! I wasn't too sure about this ship until I got to roll with a crew in one used as a ship carrier. They loaded it up with 3 razors. Not going to lie it was pretty sweet.


Enjoyed the video thanks for sharing. Really waiting anxiously for the A2 and relevant gameplay


The hercs are some of the best looking Ships


0:50 is a fantasy at this point, but man would it be awesome to have this scene unfold in game.


Couple other tidbits:

M2 will theoretically have a much bigger life support system. The c2 can carry vehicles but presumably can’t carry their crew due to this limiter.

Also one less turret control spot than there are turrets on both c2/m2 I believe


Its actually easy - if you wanna do peaceful transports then the c2 is your option
Also has the nicest interior with the additional living quarters
The m2 is a good option to go to more dangerous territory or warzones
The a2 is very niche and in my opinion not worth it - only if you are part of a really big org that does combined assaults all the time
When we talk about death of a spaceman you really dont wanna risk your life all the time but be smart
Therefore peaceful options are preferable
The c2 still has strong shields and can still pack a punch if necessary
Its the best price - maximum gain option if you ask me


I like to have options with my ships and the M2 certainly seems to deliver more of them, granted it sacrifices considerable amount of cargo capacity in exchange. While I will probably not combat drop anything with it, using it for example as a mobile base of operation for groundbased mining operations, as a pocket carrier or as a parttime hauler the M2 certainly comes in handy.


if we ever get actual ground war like in the herc trailer video, the gravity bombing will be a game changer and on that note i really hope the talli also gets a gravity bomb modules aswell


They should have added an internal troop lift, to get troops from the upper deck to the cargo deck quickly, that would have better explained having less cargo space in the M2. I'm just going to assume that heavy armour weighs a lot, and they limit cargo capacity to ensure the ship can lift off in most atmospheres. I was told last night, that there are now Tonk based bounty targets. That should be easy picking for an A2, but is a good start to ground based combat possibilities.


I think we need a Crusader Hercules A1 variant, which mimics the AC-130 Hercules IRL. No bombs, just a couple Nova Tank Barrels and some long range mini-guns for CAS.


I have spare upgrades between the variants so this is very helpful. Thanks! :)
But I really hope they set the cargo bay volumes to be equal once cargo weight is accurately considered in the flight model... (both on Hercules and Starfarer)


Love the Hercs. I actually upgraded a few of my ships to all 3 variants but I plan on upgrading the c2 to the BMM and the m2 to the Polaris/Perseus. The a2 is TBD.


M2 has unique hull characteristics today; which should be well translated when armor comes in...
armor physicaldmg reduction -15
armor energydmg reduction -15
armor distortiondmg reduction -10


I think/hope the A2 will get more abilities with it's price point that will make it a great and flexible ship. Bombing run over the target then swinging around to drop off a couple of cyclones to mop up light targets will be fun.


Thanks for the video. I have heard a different theory with regards to the cargo differences in ships with the same physical interior.

Starting with the short term concept of armour % damage reduction, it is just a rough placeholder for a detailed armour system that will account different materials with varying properties and effectiveness against various damage types and complemented by the future vision of physicalised components.. where a heavily armoured ship may even have additional armour thickness at specific/focused areas to protect critical components which prove to be particularly weak spots on a lesser armoured ship. This increases the mass of the ship which impacts acceleration (and is reflected in the artificial speed caps) .. due to mass differential. In a similar vein I believe the reduction in cargo capacity is also due to the mass differential. Imagine cargo in the future has has mass, I believe the reduction in cargo capacity is a placeholder until the mass of cargo is added to the ship and is to provide the concept that a ship (and its components) is designed to operate within certain thresholds and while they could accommodate the same volume of feather pillows, they will have overall mass limitations, subject to environment (eg gravity) and components (ie thrusters).

In short I believe the reduction in cargo in the M2 is due to the increased mass of the ship and is a tier 0 implementation intended to represent this. In the end if it fits it sits will become if it fits it sits but it stays if it weighs (too much).

When buying cargo in the future you will need to consider not only buy/sell price but stock available, buying capacity of destinations, mass of cargo vs gravity, vs impact on movement, vs fuel use/costs .. but also how you stack your cargo/distribute the mass and how that impacts your ships centre of mass.

I think the M2 will be superior to a C2. I don’t own an M2 though .. I got the A2 for more dakka. :D


They could just say, the reason why you can carry less is because of weight. More weapon and armor weight more so you can carry less cargo.


I upgraded one of my ships to the M2 because of the upcoming death of a spaceman system.


Do you think A2 can fit 1 nova and 1 balista?


How much SCU of cargo can the M2 fit after it has been loaded with 2 Tanks? And what is the number for the C2?
