Installing a 40FT Shipping Container Shelter | Expanding The Workshop! | Part 2

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See how we install our 40ft shipping container shelter dome and cover without any instructions! The weather wasn’t the best for this installation but it needed to get done and we soon realised after unpacking the kit that there was NO instruction manual supplied. But we had already hired a 4WD trailer mounted boom lift for the day so decided to get it done anyway. This shelter dome is 40ft long x 40ft wide and 6 metres tall and will be installed between our two 40ft shipping containers. This is going to be a great upgrade for our outside welding & fabrication area!

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Рекомендации по теме

Like the running commentary, goes well with what we see, making sense of it all. Thanks.


It's nice to hear Karen doing the voice-over.
I would like to hear more voice-overs from you in the future. It adds a bit of family business feel to the video. Y'all make a great team. 👍


It's bad enough with a wardrobe or chest of draws but putting a 'building' together without instructions- awsome.


When I saw that harness with an actual FALL STRAP! Thank GOD! I've seen so many people who won't even bother with the one, never mind both.


And I thought assembling this 4 person camping tent was tough.
You are the man
Job well done.


Wow! That's all I can say! It's a HUGE job for 3 people and he did it pretty much alone! As for the camera work, commentary and editing, it's perfect as usual! Thanks!


Finishing up another job after dark. Kurtis must be of the motto “I’ll get enough sleep when I’m dead”. Always enjoy your vids. Appreciate you both taking the time to do them. Fan from Canada.


Kurtis and Karen, thank you for being who you are and sharing this with us. They two of you are so so good at what you do and we really appreciate everything that you put into your work and bringing us this kind of remarkable brain food and stimulating content. While it is a good laugh, the outakes show us the additional dedication and effort that you have and make for all of us. It's an absolute pleasure seeing Kurtis work and Karen bringing his work to YouTube and supporting him in all that he does. You, including the Safety Officer deserve all the success and great things in this world. Thank you so much.


The 4 legged safety inspector was not happy about the situation, must have been something with the level on the lift not being on the spot 🤣
Awesome job in a short period of time, and great narating again by Karen.


G’day Kurtis and Karen. We are spoiled getting a mid week video. That installation was a lot of work wasn’t it. The finished product came out awesome. The igloo will make a welcomed addition. Cheers 🍻 Aaron


It was a pleasure hearing such a lovely voice describing the action in this video.


I'll add my vote to the voice over. Absolutely fabulous.
You should sell the video to the suppliers as installation instructions.


Well done Curtis. Haha dragging the cherrie picker through the mud with the hand break applied made me laugh. Liked the voice over :-) good team work :-)


Kurtis is a mechanist with 3D thinking capabilities. So I see no probs that he's get installed that thing without manual. Greeting from germany.


It’s amazing how Curtis does most of the work by himself, a really good video.


Happy to see you working with your brother. It's a precious thing, family. Lost my brother to the COVID. Love them all you can while their here. Thanks for the video, quite the project for just two people.👍


I've said it before but I'm constantly fascinated in how your mind works with mechanical issues and problem solving. Thinking to put tape on the joints where the tarp might rip was excellent but the fact that you took something like this and were able to assemble it with no instructions (not to mention extra/missing) parts is phenomenal. I know people that can't put 2 and 2 together with assistance.


Can we give a hand to Mrs. Curtis for the awesome film, editing and voiceover work!! 👏👏👏 I would still watch the videos but I can definitely say they would be no where near as enjoyable without her touch! Thank you!


love that you have missing parts and still make it work. Excellent job!


CRAZY you did this on your own. We had 4 people setting the arches up in tandem
