Dating in your 30's | LESSONS I’ve learned while Dating in my 30’s

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In this video I go into HOW TO intentionally date in your 30's and lessons I've learned on this journey! There were PLENTY! I've struggled in areas of dating, but was blessed enough to be fed spiritually to guide me to start dating purposefully and intentionally.
I remember vividly heading to bed one night when God literally stopped me in my tracks and asked me to think about what I wanted in a potential mate. That night sparked true thoughts of what I wanted and needed in a potential mate and husband which further lead into outlining this video for you all.
I pray it blesses and encourages you all!
// R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S
// C O N N E C T W I T H M E
I remember vividly heading to bed one night when God literally stopped me in my tracks and asked me to think about what I wanted in a potential mate. That night sparked true thoughts of what I wanted and needed in a potential mate and husband which further lead into outlining this video for you all.
I pray it blesses and encourages you all!
// R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S
// C O N N E C T W I T H M E
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