Dating in your 30's | LESSONS I’ve learned while Dating in my 30’s

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In this video I go into HOW TO intentionally date in your 30's and lessons I've learned on this journey! There were PLENTY! I've struggled in areas of dating, but was blessed enough to be fed spiritually to guide me to start dating purposefully and intentionally.

I remember vividly heading to bed one night when God literally stopped me in my tracks and asked me to think about what I wanted in a potential mate. That night sparked true thoughts of what I wanted and needed in a potential mate and husband which further lead into outlining this video for you all.

I pray it blesses and encourages you all!

// R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S

// C O N N E C T W I T H M E

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As a woman whose in my late thirties and single. It's so important to be upfront and honest about what you want in dating. As us women get older we don't have time to waste on men that are not willing to commit to relationship. Time is very valuable as you get older. Love the video!!! Have great weekend 😊


I am so glad to stumble upon this video! Before that, I was looking at other people for advice on dating in your 30s because I didn't have luck dating in my 20s and they were of no help. They were either too pessimistic or cynical. And it wasn't just the secular people but also other people who are Christians like the man that wrote "How I kissed Dating Goodbye" (almost kept my sister and brother-in-law apart) and the woman that wrote the Dating Manifesto (A good book but it didn't really give me actual hope or actual steps on how to date intentionally and how to find a good man). So it was a relief to find your video that gives me hope and tells me how to date intentionally.


am in my 30s single mom, children with family members. I live alone and nearly 8 years single. am happy have come far in life I don't need man in my life, have made it in life without man so I don't need man in my life, , single and loving it...


I loved this and it involving a relationship with God. Absolutely subscribing! Im 33 and have my first real date in years on Sunday lol


Even though I'm a man and not religious anymore, I think alot of your advice was good advice in general. Really insightful at times, thanks!


Your tolerance level for crap really goes to zero once you go celibate 🙌


Dating made me feel like men are just not worth it. I wish we weren’t taught that marriage was all of that. They just want sex in your 20s and then when you’re in your 30s your to old for some of them, it has been nothing but a waste of time.


Thanks for the video! It is so important not to settle and it makes it so much easier when you have standards in place and stick to them. Too often some of us can settle for"potential" and then end up disappointed when the guy never changes. When a guy shows you who he is, believe him.
Would you consider doing a follow up video to this on some of those hard questions to ask when dating?


I’m not in my 30’s yet, 23. I know I want to be married by 25 so your video has really helped me. I’m currently in a relationship that is focused on marriage thank you.


I'm turning 30 next month and have decided to give dating another try! This video is super helpful and your voice is so soothing! lol 💕


As a man myself, I can confidently echo it: _do not settle for a man_

If a guy is dating you, he wants to be the one for you, not the one you settled for. If I found out that a girl only stayed with me because "they couldn't find anything better", I'd assume that she's not into it enough for life.

Not settling, and only staying with a guy that you want, not only shows respect for yourself, but also to the guy you'll end up with.

He'll know that his girl isn't with him because she settled, but because she wanted him.


This entire video was on point. Every single tip!!! Keep it coming!!!


Thank you for this sis! I just made the decision to put myself back out there to start dating. I’ve been single for more than five years and I didn’t know where to start. This video is so good and a great guide for me. I will allow the Holy Spirit to guide me.


“I would think a woman’s time and value would be greater when she’s younger rather than older in terms of the sexual market.

So let me get this straight—the logic is that time isn’t valuable for women in their 20s, but it suddenly becomes valuable in their 30s, 40s, and 50s? 🤔”


Whew baby! You are speaking on it!!! 😩 🙌🏻


i hear a lot of "i want, i want, i want" & not a lot of what you're offering in order to attract the partner you want.


Nothing like a nice black woman with a visible collar bone. 🙏🏾💯


I turned 18 a couple months ago and I’m already intentionally dating because I don’t want to be the gf who gets stuck emotionally and physically in a 7 year relationship with no ring.


tip toeing song made me laugh so loudly! I was in such a calm attentive state and bursted out laughing! 9:42 🤣


I have been single for a year... after being in a toxic relationship with my ex-fiance... I am finally open to dating, and I agree with everything you have said. I just turned 33, and I am INTENTIONALLY dating with a purpose. I just ended a dating experience with a seemingly good guy, but we were unequally yolked, I was Christian and he was not. We dated for about 2 & half months...I found out he wasn't Christian early on but still decided to date. And ofcourse, we decided to stop dating eventually due to spiritual differences (it is important for me to wait to have sex, but not important for him). Lesson learned...don't waste any time when you know it's not going to work out and you want different things ultimately. Thanks for sharing❤
