How to Respond to Unsolicited Advice | Cyrus Ausar

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Have you ever gotten the advice you never asked for? Cyrus breaks down how to respond to this unsolicited advice.

Cyrus says everyone has advice on how to do something that they have never accomplished. When you are trying your best to become better than you were yesterday, its a lot of ups and downs that we deal with. During this process, it can be challenging to hear what we "need" to be doing.

Cyrus says you must evaluate the person first because they may or may not know what they are talking about. It will take discernment to decide if you should hear them out. After that process, Cyrus goes on to break down how you should handle it properly.

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Most valuable point to me was what you said about understanding that this person is trying to offer your their value the best they can. That makes it a bit easier to tolerate. When people give me unsolicited advice about something that they haven’t even taken time to understand, it just makes me think that they just want to hear themselves talk or that they are seriously underestimating me


Best response to unsolicited advice. "Yeah....OK"


It just a ego boost for them usually “oh I been there this is what you do” basically


“I haven’t received an email yet”. Exactly. This is the exact situation I’ve been in. About a year ago I wanted to create my own business and I overheard a close family-in law member say “someday they will thank me for not starting that business”. They were super negative from the start. It was crushing. What’s even more crushing to me is that I started the business with my wife and we were successful from the start and still are growing fast. Now, this in law is always telling us what to do and how to speak to certain clients and also acting like our biggest supporter. The advice is constant and it’s frustrating. I never wanted to come from a place of “I’ll show you”, but they did and now they’re trying to be a part of it. It’s hard.


Unsolicited Advice is usually someone trying to "get one over you" and sometimes it is bad advice and if you follow it it will make the situation worse.


Also, unsolicited advice is a symptom of codependency. A codependent person will give advice just to feel like they are needed.


Best response is: “I do not need advice.” I’m not going through all these rings just to manage someone else’s emotions.


I have no problem with advice when it’s coming from a genuine place of throwing an idea out there. What pisses me off is when I feel like they’re doing it to give themselves the emotional satisfaction of being “the advisor”


Love this video. Someone gave me unsolicited advice yesterday and I’m still making up clever ways to respond to them. So roud


I disagree with the 1st point, even if the person is worthy, it is disrespectful of them that they do this. They must ask themselves first if you want this advice, I don't care who the fuck this person is. President, angel, janitor, astrophysicist, the minute you "impose" advice you undermine the person "recieving" it.. You take away their dignity to choose if or if not they wanna listen to your advice.


Conclusion: Differentiate advice vs. talking!


Well said. I’m going through this now but I struggle because I’m either too nice or a Dick. It is hard to find that middle ground. I just lost 25 lbs. I’m ripped, feel strong and great. I eat mostly meat (personal choice) but the results have shown. My clothes are still kinda big so I look smaller than I am. multiple people I know start saying “you should eat more you look anorexic.” They’ll also say “oh your cholesterol is probably way to high you should eat healthier.” Every one of them is hardly physically active ever and eat an average if not bad diet. I just smile and nod but really want to say shut up. This made me think the best solution is to say “ I appreciate the concern but I feel great.” Simple and straight to the point.


Good advice right here. They definitely not sending an email, text, DM, nothing lol.


This email idea is genius. Thank you for your input and experience.


asking for an email is such a brilliant idea!! this way Genius Advice Giver doesn’t feel rejected and it also gives you time to evaluate their advice. i agree they are trying to show their value and/or trying to dominate you or the conversation. also an email breaks that power dynamic.


Thank man, good video. It's tough dealing with these people and I don't know how to respond sometimes.


Thank you so much! This is the exact advice I was looking for.


One of the first videos I’ve found on the topic that is to the point with good advice


How would you handle a person who is giving unsolicited advice who is close to you? Like a family member or a friend?


Thank you so much Cyrus for your advise on people giving unsolicited advice. your points we great regarding those who want to help and also for those who just want to give advice were very well stated.
