🇬🇧 Is a 'no-deal' Brexit inevitable? | The Stream

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The UK is set to leave the European Union on March 29, yet it appears no closer to an agreement on how to do it. On this episode of The Stream, we discuss three stories about Brexit.

Latest Brexit vote: After Tuesday’s latest vote to amend British Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal, the UK is no closer to knowing exactly how they will leave the EU. MPs voted to reject a "no deal" Brexit and on Wednesday asked May to renegotiate her plan with the EU. The EU, though, swiftly said it was not willing to re-open talks. So what would be the consequences of leaving the EU without a deal in place?

Supply chain woes: If the UK leaves the EU without a trade deal in place, many are worried about long delays for goods entering the country. Supermarkets, pharmaceutical companies and other businesses are now stockpiling goods to prepare for the worst. How are Britons preparing for a "no deal" Brexit?

Irish border uncertainty: Part of the argument for Brexit was to end open borders. But once the UK leaves the EU, what will happen to the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland? Will an alternative to May's "backstop" - a guarantee that there will be no hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland - upset the hard-won peace deal enshrined by the Good Friday Agreement? We'll discuss how continued uncertainty could lead to instability in Northern Ireland.

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EU shoult let Britain leave and welcome companies leaving to EU


It's ironic...a people who ruled the world, from an island, with divide and rule policy, are today so divided, that it's not even funny...in India, we call it karma!


The UK is against the bakstop, but i have not heard anything about the UK having an alternarive to the backstop,


Why is there is a boarder in Ireland it is one country and does not belong to England.


Britain talking brexit while EU does more free trade with Japan Corea and many other queuing to trade with EU :))


the vote for No Deal is ADVISORY!!! ☺😊😀😀😁😁😂


What you need to discuss is whether is whether there will even be an EU in 10 years time, in which case Brexit is academic.


There are three options, Theresa's deal, No Deal and No Brexit. When parliament voted to take No Deal off the table it was a clear indicator as to where majority stand when it comes to No Deal. One must remember though that a lot of MP's would have voted to keep NO Deal on the table purely for negotiation leverage. However, when it comes to voting NO Deal as the outcome of Brexit is going to show up as a minority. I see the Tory's failing to deliver Brexit and forced into a general election.


Jacob Rees Mogg doesn't understand the single market.


An unqualified immigrant has the job I spent my life working for and I believe elected UK ministers rather than un-elected foreigners should decide UK laws and policies - that's why I voted leave...I believe in democracy and I would rather like to have my job back please. I am scratching my head because I don't remember seeing the phrases 'deal' 'agreement' 'compromise' 'no-deal' 'backstop' on the ballot paper and I was quite shocked to see remaining politicians decide they need to agree to the leave for it to happen??? - I thought leave meant leave as in move house, split with the girl friend, get off the bus...can you half leave something like European membership? anything less than complete leave and the Tory's won't get back in to power for at least 20 years - I certainly will never vote again if my leave vote and subsequent win proves to have been a scam.


I really hope as a finnish person, that u take the deal, and start getting it better if u can. Eu must still pay your mess.


The EU NEEDS the UK, not the UK NEEDS the EU. EXIT! Stand independently.


I don't know why we are listening to May. What ever happens, makes no difference
to her. She shouldn't be there in
the first place. People voted out.
J. Calveley.


Why are these ladies all dressed up for winter?


The uk doesn't understand it's brexit.


Am I the only one, who thought from the beginning, it is pointless to negotiate with the EU? We leave first, without them trying to hinder us, sort ourselves out, then negotiate a few years later.


yes Britain need to leave now, countries queuing to come in or to do free trade with Europ ! after Corea Japan is now ready :))


If UK left eu without deal alot of burden will be come of unemployment, trade etc . Government need to make plans


EU welcomes all british and japanese companies business to move to big free trade EU :))
