All teachers are heroes!

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I think the real heroes are the real heroes


You gotta admit though, that guy who planted the flag on Iwo Jima, he's close.


Nope. A small minority of teachers are absolutely amazing and should be showered with riches for the work they do. But the era of "all teachers are great" has been over for a number of years now, and I think its high time we recognize that so we can move on as a society and start to illicit actual change. The truth is, for a number of years now, the majority of teachers in general are glorified babysitters whi honestly do not know most or all of the curriculum they "teach". They are literally learning the material as they preach it to the class out of their textbook. Amd while its true some of this blame cam be placed at the feet of the school boards and such, let's be very clear that its not the school boards fault that the teacher dosent know the material. They are just dumb. Half of the teachers these days are young enough to literally date the students (and sometimes do. More often than expected unfortunately) they're on drugs and can get caught at 18 and up clubs all the time at night. They are far from being role models. Whatever happened to teachers being the brightest stars in town and truly knowing their material intuitively and passionately. I've had some amazing teachers before but man they are getting harder and harder and harder to find. And let's not ignore the fact that our kids are literally getting dumber. Are we supposed to ignore that? Are we supposed to pretend like its not the fault of the teachers and the school administrators? Thats happening because school isn't school anymore. Its an assembly line built around trying to get more unnecessary funding. Last I checked all it took to teach was a good teacher, a pencil and some paper. How bout this, quit lowering the grading standards, start hiring actual teachers, and for God's sake start requiring the teachers to have degrees in their field again. Once you do that, then we can start talking about more funding. But the simple fact is you do not deserve more funding and you do not deserve higher pay. Results used to matter and that standard should be brought back in off the sideline. What we need to donis cut their paychecks in half, cut the funding in half and then give it to the minority of truly awesome teachers that do still exist. And thank God for that minority. Education is to damn important to treat like an assembly line. For fucks sake there are developing countries that rank higher in literacy than our country does.
