quartz vs flint; a comparison

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I have finally had the chance to test quartz with flint and steel and test it up against flint. I find quartz inferior to flint in every regard, and would only use it if I had no flint available to me.
It is fragile and chippy and does not have the same sharp edges like flint in which to drive a shower a sparks off like you can with flint.

I have to thank Joona Peltoniemi for supplying the quartz to me and allowing me to experiment like this.

I post all of my videos on Australian Blade Forums
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I picked up some quartz a few months ago to bring home and give it try . I did get sparks, but it took a bit of work . The quartz you have looks to throw a better spark than the rock I had . Cheers .


I just got my flint and steel kit the other day you weren’t kidding about it being addicting I ordered another one the process of making fire this way it’s just so much more rewarding.


Untill today didn't know Quartz throws a spark.
Interesting stuff.


There's no comparison for sure. Great video my friend


at least the quartz will work mate! That's more than I knew before! I might wait until the missus is out and go grab a couple of her crystals and give it a try :)


Hey can I ask you where do you buy your flint rock from? I'm from Croatia, here we have a significant amount of quartz and I made fires with it but it's exactly as you said it, it chips off or dulls the edge quickly and that's becoming a bit of a drag. So I'm thinking of actually ordering some satisfactory amount of real flint. What I've found so far was pretty expensive including shipping and all..
