Cyber Pills N1° - Browser in the Browser e Social Engineering come proteggersi grazie all'AI

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In the last month we have often heard about Social Engineering and specifically the Browser-in-the-Browser attack, the new phishing technique that simulates a popup window to spoof a domain.
Since the beginning of the web, phishing attacks have been among the most widely used attack techniques to deceive network users. If initially this technique was easier to identify and block, now it has gone through a notable evolution, which has made their discover complicated even by IT security professionals.
During the webinar an analysis on the phenomenon of Social Engineering has been carried out and the new threat "Browser-in-the-Browser" has been analyzed in detail, specifically, how and why it is defined "the invisible phishing attack".
The webin held by Luca Moretto, CTO of Ermes, represented a moment of discovery and study, regarding a threat still unknown to most. The webinar was completed by a live demo and deep dive of Ermes' innovative Business Account Protection solution.
Since the beginning of the web, phishing attacks have been among the most widely used attack techniques to deceive network users. If initially this technique was easier to identify and block, now it has gone through a notable evolution, which has made their discover complicated even by IT security professionals.
During the webinar an analysis on the phenomenon of Social Engineering has been carried out and the new threat "Browser-in-the-Browser" has been analyzed in detail, specifically, how and why it is defined "the invisible phishing attack".
The webin held by Luca Moretto, CTO of Ermes, represented a moment of discovery and study, regarding a threat still unknown to most. The webinar was completed by a live demo and deep dive of Ermes' innovative Business Account Protection solution.