Atatürk: 15 Best Quotes

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"Yes, Karabekir! In order to teach the rubbish of the son of Arabs to the sons of Turks, I will have the Quran translated into Turkish and make them read it, up to the point they stop getting fooled..."

_Atatürk in conversation with General Karabekir, who was arguing against the translation of Quran_


"You, the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries, wipe away your tears, you sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well" Mustafa Kemal ATATÛRK - after the battle of Gallipoli


If my teachings conflict with science, choose science... How many people can say that?


The strength, you need, in the noble blood in your veins!

Rest in peace my father, we are here as your soldiers !


Most people call this man a dictator or a traitor...This man was a legend dude how can they say things like that...


Quote number 10. He's got some balls to say that in the parliament! Such an exceptional leader. I admire him so much.


"Doğruyu söylemekten korkmayınız" : "Do not be afraid of telling the truth"
-Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

İrlanda'dan sevgi ve saygılarımızla


I love and admire Ataturk so much from the US. The closest we ever had to a leader like him was George Washington, but even he couldn't do as much in his time as Ataturk did.


I’m not Turkish, but this amazing man’s quotes have really touched me.


if i ever behlived there was a nation builder its certainly not founding father of usa,
mao zedong of china or even Nehru of my home India.
its this man the greatest military leader & states man
Mustafa Kemal Ataurk


Turkey, oh Turkey. What have you done? How can you betray this extraordinary man's legacy? The world has granted you the privilege of having one of the most capable and intelligent human beings as your founding father and all you did is to shut your ears to everything he said. Shame on you. Ataturk is the only thing for which I respected Turks but, lately, I don't feel that way. They are turning into a typical Arab nation led by a hillbilly whose only source of inspiration is an Arab tribe leader from 7th century.


In the first days when I joined the army, I came to the consciousness of Turkishness in two drops of an Anatolian child slapped by an Arab major saying, "How can you mistreat the son of the Necip?" I saw it and heard it strongly. After that, Turkishness became my deepest source, my deepest source of pride. My only honor and wealth in my life is nothing but Turkishness!
-Mustafa Kemal Atatürk


_"I have no religion and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. _*_He_*_ _*_who_*_ _*_needs_*_ _*_religion_*_ _*_to_*_ _*_uphold_*_ _*_his_*_ _*_government_*_ _*_is_*_ _*_a_*_ _*_weak_*_ _*_ruler;_*_ it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-men."_


Ataturk will rise again, Turkey will come to its father . So beautiful


''Humankind is made of two sexes.Is it possible for humankind to grow by the improvement of only one part while the other part is ignored? Is it possible that if half of a mass is tied to earth with chains that the other half can soar into the skies ? '' ''Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women. '' ''Hero Turkish woman, you are worthy not to be dragged on the ground, but to rise to the skies on shoulders. '' Great Atatürk ❤️


"En büyük savaş cahilliğe karşı yapılan savaştır" :
"The biggest battle is the war against ignorance"
-Mustafa Kemal Atatürk..

İrlanda'dan sevgiler..


Kemalisim should be a compulsory subject in whole education institutes of turkey


Is it possible that if half of a mass is tied to earth with chains that the other half can soar into the skies?


"We meet genius people very rarely in centuries.It is so unlucky that, in this century that great genius person belongs to the Turkish Nation.The centuries rarely produce a genius. Look at this bad luck of ours, that great genius of our era was granted to the Turkish nation.
D. Lloyd George, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

"During a conversation with the Foreign Affairs Minister of the Soviet Union, Litvinov, I asked him who was, according to him, the most valuable and remarkable statesman of Europe.
He replied that, the most valuable and interesting leader in the world was the President of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk."

Franklin D. ROOSEVELT (U.S. President)

"My sorrow is that, it is no longer possible to fulfill my strong wish to meet this great man.

Franklin D. ROOSEVELT (U.S. President)

"The death of Atatürk, who saved Turkey during the war and revived the Turkish nation, is not only a loss for his country, but it is also a great loss for Europe. The sincere tears that people from all classes have shed, are nothing more then the true reflection of this great man - the Father of the modern Turkey.
The sincere tears shed after him by all classes of people is nothing other than an appropriate manifestation to this great hero and modern Turkey's Ata.

Winston CHURCHILL, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)

"Mustafa Kemal was not a socialist. But it can be perceived that he is a good organizer, with great understanding, progressive, with good thoughts and an intelligent leader. He is carrying out a war of independence against those plunderers. I am believing that he will break the pride of the imperialists and that he will beat the Sultan together with his friends.

Vladimir llyich LENIN, Leader of the Russian Revolution

"Atatürk was one of the greatest statesman of everyone who has lived and died throughout history. At no time did he dwell on the period in which he lived, he would see the future and accordingly would carry out a task.
- Lord Patrick Kinross -

"He was a soldier-statesman, one of the greatest leaders of our era. He ensured that Turkey got its rightful place among the most advanced nations of the world. He has given to Turks the sense of self-confidence and endurance to the Turks, that forms the foundation stone of a nation's greatness. I take great pride in being one of Atatürk's loyal friends.
- General Douglas MACARTHUR, Commander-in-Chief of the Far East Forces, U.S.A. -

"In connection with the permanent memorial facility for Kemal Atatürk, I take pride in presenting my congratulations to Turkey. Your great country that is advancing on the course that he demonstrated has obtained very significant successes. This ceremony that is being held to commemorate the memory of Atatürk, the architect of progress and Turkish unity, is a very appropriate respect to a person who became a source of inspiration to free peoples throughout the world.

- Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of the United States of America -

"One of the most talented leaders of the after war period.

New York Times

"From the stage of the world passed one of the most attentive and attractive men of history."

Chicago Tribune

"Atatürk has left Turkey without a single enemy. This is something that no other state leader of our time has succeeded in doing.

German Volkischer Beobachter Journal

"Germany is amazed with Atatürk’s work and struggle. It sees in him, his historic monument, a powerful figure that will stay as a symbol for all the people who love freedom.

Berlin, German Agency

"By looking at his piece of work, which is Turkey, one could judge his historical greatness. This true people’s leader and statesman who has united his iron will and zeal, his intelligence seeing the future and his wisdom, has brought a very different soul to the villages of the far and desolate corners of the Anatolian mountains.

Illustrierte Magazine

"Because of the 25th year of Atatürk's death, I want to express the feelings of loyal friendship felt for the Turkish nation by the French nation. Today, Turkish history even more than ever is inseparable from Western and European history. Atatürk's efforts in this direction were not left without results. The friendship between our countries that has surpassed hundreds of years, has formed the foundation for this development.

Charles de GAULLE, President of France

"In the life of a nation it is very seldom that changes to such a radical degree were carried out in such a short period of time... Without a doubt, those who have done these extraordinary activities have earned the attributes of a great man in the complete sense of the word. And because of this, Turkey can be proud of itself. (October 31, 1933)

Eleutherios Venizelos, Prime Minister of Greece

"Kemal Atatürk or Kemal Pasha by which name we knew him in those times, was my hero during my youth. I was very moved when I read about his great reforms. I met with great praise the general efforts made by Atatürk on the course of modernizing Turkey. His dynamism, undauntedness and unawareness of fatigue created a great effect on people. He was one of the builders of the modern age in the orient. I continue to be among his greatest admirers.

Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India

"One of the greatest men that the world has ever seen.

Star of India

"Atatürk was an extraordinarily talented statesman, one of the most important figures of post-war history.

Hufvud Stadbladet Journal

"Atatürk was the giant-like sign of character and talent. He was the man who created the twentieth century’s most splendid event.

National Tidence Journal


Turkey is the luckiest country in the world because we have a leader like Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. But unfortunately most of the people living in Turkey could not understand the value of Atatürk. Those who want to believe what they want. A secular state and a country that is not 100% Muslim cannot be ruled by religion. Atatürk said "Don't be a servant to the servant", but those who don't like Atatürk right now, I don't want to say his name. They treat the man in the lead as if he was a god. I am worried about the future because of the rulers. I do not give my right to anyone who made me this way.
