Episode 017 Supersetting the right way with agonist antagonist pairs

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Today’s podcast episode is a deep dive into agonist-antagonist pairs and how you can use this knowledge to create effective agonist-antagonist superset workouts.

You’ll learn how you can create a whole-body workout made purely of supersets which will help you with your L3 Personal Trainer Assessment portfolio and planning for client sessions.

Hayley divides this podcast into 6 key joint actions in the body, and their opposing joint actions; which are then mapped to the prime mover of that action.

Also, join us at the end for the revision power hour, as Neale adds a clear structure to your revision session ahead.

Grab the FitPro Sessions Podcast show notes:


1:00 Intro to today's FItPro Session Podcast - What are the agonist-antagonist pairs in the body?
1:43 Horizontal Flexion and Extension of the shoulder for Horizontal push and pull exercises. A superset example is Bench Press into Seated Row
4:00 Shoulder Flexion and Extension for vertical push and pull exercises. A superset example is Shoulder Press into Lat Pull Down.
6:00 Elbow Flexion and Extension for bicep and tricep exercises
6:45 Spinal Flexion and Extension to work the Abdominal Crunch and Erector Spinae
8:40 Hip Flexion and Extension including working the Hip flexors and the glutes
10:30 Knee Flexion and Extension to work the Hamstrings and the Quadriceps
11:30 "Find the joint that is moving and what is the Prime mover in the concentric phase. Then do the opposing joint action to find the muscle that is the antagonist pair"
12:20 Start of the Revision Power Hour

Agonist-Antagonist Pairs – Mock Questions
Test your knowledge by answering these three mock questions: answers are at the bottom of the blog.

Q1: Which of the following is the antagonist if Biceps Brachii is the agonist?
A. Triceps Brachii
B. Rectus Femoris
C. Biceps Femoris
D. Brachioradialis

Q2: According to the rule of Recipricol Inhibition, what happens to the antagonistic muscle when agonist concentrically contracts?
A. Eccentric Contraction
B. Concentric Contraction
C. Relax and lengthen
D. Relax and shorten

Q3: What would be a suitable agonist-antagonist pairing if the Shoulder Press was the first exercise?
A. Biceps Curl
B. Lat Pull Down
C. Leg Extension
D. Seated Row

Test your knowledge, by reading the answers below

Download More Mock Questions for FREE just link these by clicking this link:

Q1 = A
Q2 = C
Q3 = B

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See you on the inside
Dedicated to More
Hayley “agonist-antagonist pair supersetting” Bergman
Parallel Coaching

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Рекомендации по теме

ya hit the nail one the head.... urgency... exam in a few weeks. I need to schedule the exam in 7 days. Thank you for all the great info and for the clear explainations


Just want to say.... loving these sessions. Maybe a rookie question, but how do you make sessions creative enough not to be boring but consistent enough to gauge progression?
