29 Pedals JFET Boost | Boost Pedal Done Right | Guitar Demo

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Jesse from @29Pedals has once again delivered a fantastic little amplification device. The JFET is a stellar boost, delivering that amp-like feel from the JFET transistor scheme, with 29 Pedals' fine-tuned voicing. 3 unique modes let you choose between a "normal" boost with extended top-end, a slightly warmer mode, or a more extreme, weightier mode for more warmth and fullness.

Whether you're stacking it around your favorite drives or using it to slam the front end of your amp, JFET's versatility and 19dB of gain are sure to deliver the goods.

Thanks to @markjohnstonofficial for sitting in on bass for this one!
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Gear List :

Jennings Guitars Voyager Deluxe
NEW Fender Vintera II 70s Mustang
Gibson Les Paul Standard 60s
Fender 1975 Musicmaster Bass

Strymon BRIG
Strymon Volante
Strymon Flint v2

Matchless Clubman 35
Universal Audio OX BOX

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At 5:00 you say the X Mode brings the whole circuit below 10kHz
It actually makes it flat down to 10Hz
"and “X”, my preferred mode. “X” mode flattens the circuit all the way down to below 10Hz, giving you an incredible feeling of weight without sounding like additive EQ"


This is fantastic, thanks for the demo. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the other 29 pedals, your style of demo would showcase them very effectively. Cheers!


Nice playing! what is that mic you're using?


Nice playing sir. The 29cFET Boost pedal sounds great.


Just watched secret weapons exploration of this pedal. Happy to have found your channel for different playing. If I wasn’t convinced I wanted it before, I am now.


If I’m using a tube amp already would there be no point to using the JFET?
