15 Unique Exotic Animals You Can Own as Pets

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Are you the kind of person that sees someone out walking their golden retriever and rolls their eyes at how basic it is to have that kind of dog? And in fact, maybe you think that owning any kind of dog as a pet is boring? Then maybe we have the video for you today. Tired of cats, goldfish and guinea pigs? Well we are delving into the world of weird animals that you can legally (well, mostly) own as a pet, and which will definitely make you stand out in a crowd. From China’s most iconic creature to a marsupial that can fly, here’s 15 Unique Exotic Animals You Can Own as Pets!

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I like the dog panda

Watching from: The Home of Beauty Queens

Olongapo City, Philippines🇵🇭


To the 1 person reading this: *"Your* *cool* *and *adorable* *stay* *safe"?* g


Whtever you say, but #1 for me is tarantula, the easiest, gentlest and quietest pet ever. My Vasechka was amazing. And although I loved all my pets - cats geckos, mom and two babies born from her eggs, and a frog, including crickets we had bought as the food for all non-feline pets - the tarantula was by far the best as a pet. As if her gentle nature was not enough, she agreed with my son when he turned 12, that eating other animals is not nice and switched her diet from live crickets to the food we were leaving in her tank for those crickets. So, she completely switched to frshly cut slices of cucumber or apple skin or lettuce cores drinkeng the juices with her legs. She was the best.


the panda dog was the cutest most funniest thing i couldnt stop laughing my ass off!


0:55 This sounds like an animal from Avatar. Like the Polar Bear Dog from Legend of Korra.


The pandadog is just a chow chow in disguise.


It's really rude to say that dogs are basic,

Just because people don't flex exotic pets dosent mean they r boring


Oh with the hedgehogs that secrete saliva from their mouths is what they do in nature, they eat poisonous flowers and secrete the saliva and spit it on their spines


number 1 JOHJ this is how terra formars started


With the pandadog... I think a dog should be loved for the dog he/she is...


I already have cockroaches crawling through my house, I don't like them.


Sugar gliders are opossums if you do not know.


did you say dogs are boring never say that


My parents would curry my goat but wouldn't drink goat milk...


The bit about Tarantulas is ignorant tbh, a lot of them are easy to care for and males have a much, much shorter lifespan, you just have to pick the right species and get knowledge of how to care for them. They're not cuddly and don't like to be handled but they are far from the big scary monster that requires more commitment than any other pet, especially compared to the previous ones mentioned.


awwww, they are all so adorable!!!!
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edit: that cockroach kinda eerie doe, but a pet is a pet


Can't love people who don't love animals


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I've a macaw that I let fly around off a lead..but the best all time pet for a child is definitely a goat, I got a goat as a kid and omg what smart animals he wasn't just mine this goat was friend to the whole small Irish town I hew up in ..just make sure you get kids a girl goat or get the Billy nutered because at around 2 they start to spray..when my Billy yes he was ..sorry is a billy goat called billy but my dad gave him a way a few times much to my dismay but he always came back..daddy finally gave him to a man in dublin so he was so smart he found the monthly horse fare found a horse box bound for kildare got on and wouldn't get off..then the horse box owner realised what goat it was it was the town goat bully so he took him home it took him 2 weeks to get back that time then daddy took hom to the curragh plains where farmers graze sheep theres a wild heard of goats out there where he lived happily for years..I'd go out at least once a week on my pony to see him ..I'm in my 40s now but ppl are still saying they seen him..I'd say by now it's one of his sons many of who I got to know as well..that goat saved me..a man tried to have his way and billy gave him 35 stitches..epic pet ...


What about the pet raccoon, my neighbor had one
