Edexcel May 2022 Foundation GCSE Maths Past Paper Walkthrough 1MA1/1F | GCSE Maths Revision

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Pearson Education accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or method of working in any answers given. A walkthrough of the Foundation Non Calculator Paper 1 Maths GCSE from May/June 2022
00:22 Q1 Convert cm to mm
01:00 Q2 Simplify Expression
01:27 Q3 Reflect a Shape
01:56 Q4 Place Value
02:20 Q5 Orden Fraction Decimal and Percentage
02:55 Q6 Pictograms
03:31 Q7 Problems involving money
04:13 Q8 Draw and Interpret Bar Chart
05:33 Q9 Sequences with pictures
06:42 Q10 Directed Numbers (inc Negatives)
07:41 Q11 Multiplication in Context
12:22 Q12 Fraction Arithmetic
14:33 Q13 Probability
15:29 Q14 Substitution
16:15 Q15 Estimate Calculations
18:21 Q16 Speed Distance Time
21:30 Q17 Frequency Tree
23:50 Q18 Recipe Proportion
25:08 Q19 Percentage Increase
26:08 Q20 Fractions problem solving
29:08 Q21 Stem and Leaf
32:07 Q22 Plans and Elevations
34:20 Q23 Solve Linear Inequalities
35:34 Q24 Prime Factorisation
37:00 Q25 Ratio / Fraction / Percentage Problem Solving
39:12 Q26 Standard Form
41:42 Q27 Angles in Polygons
43:41 Q28 Drawing Quadratics
46:44 Q29 Density
48:56 Q30 Exact Values
00:22 Q1 Convert cm to mm
01:00 Q2 Simplify Expression
01:27 Q3 Reflect a Shape
01:56 Q4 Place Value
02:20 Q5 Orden Fraction Decimal and Percentage
02:55 Q6 Pictograms
03:31 Q7 Problems involving money
04:13 Q8 Draw and Interpret Bar Chart
05:33 Q9 Sequences with pictures
06:42 Q10 Directed Numbers (inc Negatives)
07:41 Q11 Multiplication in Context
12:22 Q12 Fraction Arithmetic
14:33 Q13 Probability
15:29 Q14 Substitution
16:15 Q15 Estimate Calculations
18:21 Q16 Speed Distance Time
21:30 Q17 Frequency Tree
23:50 Q18 Recipe Proportion
25:08 Q19 Percentage Increase
26:08 Q20 Fractions problem solving
29:08 Q21 Stem and Leaf
32:07 Q22 Plans and Elevations
34:20 Q23 Solve Linear Inequalities
35:34 Q24 Prime Factorisation
37:00 Q25 Ratio / Fraction / Percentage Problem Solving
39:12 Q26 Standard Form
41:42 Q27 Angles in Polygons
43:41 Q28 Drawing Quadratics
46:44 Q29 Density
48:56 Q30 Exact Values