Deviated Septum Surgery (Septoplasty)

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Video demonstrating how septoplasty is performed to correct a deviated septum causing nasal obstruction.

A related problem is a perforated septum:

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Video produced by Dr. Chris Chang:

#septo #nasalobstruction #deviatedseptum #medicalanimation
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I had this surgery performed a few days ago. Suffered from severe deviated septum and had my right nostril completely blocked. Had the splints taken out today. For everyone who is considering this procedure, go for it without a doubt. Since the procedure is under completely under sedation, you won't realise or feel anything until it is over. Recovery is 1-2 weeks at max. This was my first surgery and I was at this very comments section before the surgery, was panicking and was even considering dropping it at the last minute. I'm so glad I went through with it. Never have I breathed like this in my life.


Wow guys, I thought i was the only one. Been living like this for over 10 years now. Always huffing, sniffing, and blowing my nose just because there isn’t a formal flow of air and sinus. And it’s crazy because different temperatures or situations Im in play a part. Makes life so complicated! Really nice video explanation!


It's the night before i go through this surgery, couldn't help but look it up. Great support seeing how positive this comment section is, i don't imagine these people will revisit this video to see this but thank you anyways strangers for calming my nerves


Who else have the clogged nose problem but never heard or searched about this majestic surgery which can change their abnormal breathing and make it normal again 😅


In 2016, I had my deviated septum surgery but without any splints, just desolvable sutures, which isore common than it used to be. I also had my tonsils removed and my uvula shortened, all three in the same procedure. I planned on being off work for 2½ weeks but returned a week early. I am also a longtime runner and I anticipated taking about 6 weeks off from running, but I ran 13 days after surgery.

The only really painful part of my recovery was the pain in the uvula area which subsided after just about 10 days. Of course, there was some swelling in the sinuses that needed to go away and occasional dry blood and scabbing that needed to be removed, but I was 100% after about 6 to 8 weeks. This procedure really changed my life and I cant begin to describe just how much.

I was 47 at the time and my sleep quality kept getting worse and I would nap nearly every day on my lunch hour just to get through the work day. My right side was blocked and my left side wasn't getting much airflow. I had my surgery on August 10, 2016 and I'm leaving this comment on June 10, 2023, almost 7 years later. I can tell you, this was the greatest health decision I have ever made and one of the greatest overall decisions I have ever made in my life.

Not a day goes by that I don't think of how blessed I am to have had this surgery and to actually have full airflow through my nose, something most people take for granted. My sleep and energy improved by probably 300% and the restorative sleep improved my mood and mental sharpness. I can only wish the same for all of you who experience the same procedure.


Just had my splints taken out a few hours ago. There was no pain, just some discomfort pulling them out. The rush of air, in what use to be a plugged up nostril is amazing. I recommend the surgery if anyone is on the fence.


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This is my 1st day of recovery. In a scale from 1 to 10... the pain is 1, this is definitely not as bad as it looks. The most difficult part will definitely be breathing through my mouth only for 3 more days before I can get the splints removed from both nostrils. My throat got extremely dry during the first night and you have to be mentally strong that your sleep quality will be very bad. Overall, I have high expectations to see if I can finally know what is like to actually use my nose 100% to breath at the end.


I had this surgery done 2 weeks ago. All I can say is, I’m so glad I made this decision. I can FINALLY breathe normally! This has changed my life.


I just got this done. Amazing. Changed my life. I can actually breathe out of my nose now. If you have any issues with your nose go and get it checked out and see if this is what you need!


this is seriously my dream surgery i have a lot of confidence issues because of my crooked nose


I got into a fight a couple years ago. I got punched in the nose pretty hard and I remember my nose being pretty bloodied. I’m pretty sure that’s how I have a deviated semptum but I really haven’t had both my nostrils for like 2-3 years now. Definitely gonna be looking into this, cause I would love to breath normally again.


on my third day of recovery! The pain meds really help and it was the most relaxing surgery I have had, they took great care of me. I was afraid that at night I was going to panic because mouth breathing is hard, but I have learned to relax because it's for the best. I have had my nose pierced for 2 years and my nose ring has been out since the surgery, so I will get back to this comment and tell you if it closed or not. I also have been addicted to nose spray for 3 years. During this time i have thrown away all my nose spray and will never use it again. The splints are a bit uncomfortable, but when I take the meds I kind of forget about it. The most uncomfortable thing is the roof of my mouth because your sinuses connect to the nerves in your upper teeth, kind of feels like you flossed way too hard. I also have been vaping after this surgery, which I know isn't a good idea, but I will get back and let you know how I have healed, ! Fourth day: Feeling awesome! Sleep is key, except the drainage clogs my ears when I swallow

Just got my splints out! it healed perfectly and I feel amazing:) My life is changed forever


Just had my septoplasty surgery done yesterday due to a deviated septum. Was released late last night but on the road to recovery. Cant wait to start to finally breath properly through both nostrils 😊. They put you to sleep which was the bit i was dreading, you just get dizzy and knock off. Next minute i was awake and it's all done. Anyone thinking about going for it, just do it !!


Had this done today, curious of what the process was but not ready to watch a real recording of a procedure haha.


Never mind I dont need it..I cant breath but it's fine.


It was helpful to have the cross section at the end. I was still confused 😂


Very simple and beautifully explained. Good video. thank you
Fauquier ENT


Thank you. I needed to know what the doctor was going to do in the septoplasty surgery. Now I know. Thank you!
