Hans Zimmer - Time (OST 'Начало')⎪Гитарный кавер (акустика)

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Instruments were made to express the feelings we could never explain.

EDIT: December 9th, 2021 5:25 AM
I left this comment here almost 3 years ago. I never replied or commented even as I saw it blowing up. It felt right to just leave it be. Now after all these years the title of this video "Time" really does settle in. What have you all been doing these past 3 years? With your "time". Have you been living your life, partying having fun, simply enjoying the moment. Or have some of you lived for tomorrow? Have some of you stepped outside the curtain to chase and become something more. Have you failed? Why haven't you failed? Is it better to succeed at jumping over puddles or fail at jumping over canyons? There is no glory in comfort. When I left this initial comment, I had many friends, a girlfriend, my career choice was promising and very attainable. Realistic as they would say. As I started following my heart and chasing girlfriend left me, friends gone, family bashes my decisions. All because no one sees the bigger picture, everyone is so focused on settling for easy lifestyles just to pretend to have accomplished something, to be able to tell strangers how well they're doing. Everyone has tricked themselves to thinking they're happy, there is no happiness where there is a lack of meaning. Find deep sense of meaning within yourself, take yourself to the cliff of that mountain, look down and tell me what you see, do you see the pillars waiting to greet you warm, or do you see the faces of the people you've hurt. If you choose to take yourself there and call out your flaws, your laziness, your procrastination, if you choose to be real with yourself. Prepare for a long road of being misunderstood. No one will understand, no matter if they share the same blood. Whatever you want to do, you can do it. Pro athlete, famous musician, painter, artist, comedian, actor/actress, cure diseases whatever it is. It all starts with habits, daily habits. Make a plan, stick to it, fail, adapt, repeat and you will make it. Some will make it sooner than others because the road you are walking is your own road. However, do not be mistaken, your own will, won't be enough. You need purpose, look into your heart and show me what you'd die for. That will fuel you, whenever the alarm clock goes off and you have no power to get up, they will make you rise. Whether its the memory of a loved one you lost. Or the image of watching your mother suffer at work everyday, no matter the joints that have failed her. How much can you endure? How much of your potential will you waste?
Tomorrow I leave my loved ones to be thousands of miles away, across oceans. When I return, my family will live in royalty and their hearts we will begin to heal, together.
I wish everyone a life of meaning, love, sadness and happiness. For these things cannot exist without each other.

"I have abandoned the road that was carved out for me. I lunge into the shadow of the unknown, upon arrival, I see no rail, no guidance, no marker of reassurance. I tremble in the face of defeat but my right foot never steps backwards. I walk, stumble, crawl, I've reached the treasure at the bay and I gather nothing, for I did not come here for diamonds and pearls or silver and gold. I came for blood "


An existential crisis has never sounded so beautiful.


Even Hans Zimmer, the Legend would be impressed with this beautiful masterpiece


Знаете, почему это звучит настолько великолепно? А все дело в деталях. Каждый скрип гитарной струны, каждый её звон, который вроде как и не был запланирован - идеально дополняют всю композицию. Это невероятно хорошо сыграно. После такого самому хочется взять гитару и что-нибудь сыграть. А потом вспоминаешь, что играть ты не умеешь, да и гитары у тебя нет...


This could be played on loop endlessly, and you wouldn't be able to tell how much *time* went by


I think what makes this piece of music so powerful is that when you understand that the movie was really about dealing with depression over a death that you've found a way to blame yourself for, the piece falls into a very unique context of the mind. It's so sad, but there's a glint of hope and meaning hidden between the notes. The acceptance.

'No matter what I do, I can't imagine you with all your complexity, your perfection, your imperfection. We had our time together, but I have to let you go.'
-Cobb, the dreamer

Wow, I never expected this comment to garner so many likes. I'm glad I could convey to you the emotion I have when listening to this work of art, both the original piece and this fantastic cover.
I wanted to share something that might help somebody that is currently existing in a state of intense sadness just as I was when this song was first released. I had been in a very brief relationship with a girl who touched me very deeply and is someone who I think about often to this day. We had a falling out, and we went our seperate ways. I loved her more than I think I can ever love someone again. Shortly after we broke up I saw the movie inception, and the scene I quoted above rang so incredibly true with me that I literally fell to my knees and wept. I had my time with this girl, and it was over.
But I had my time. All I'm saying is, wherever you are, and whatever you're feeling right now, remember that there are only so many days, hours, minutes and seconds to our lives, and even if you feel you've been cheated out of more time with someone you've lost you can still hold onto the fact that you knew them. You had your time. Cherish it and remember. But also know that you can't let it hold you back. Live.
I hope this helps you, whoever you are.


I like this version. As much as the original.
You don't need a movie to accompany it. You don't need a singer. You can let your own images or story go through your mind.
It's yours.


Unbelievable that only one instrument could have such a powerful presence with a tiny bit of processing. Extremely beautiful rendition.


It´s not a song, it´s a travel on some other dimmension. Hans is an amazing composer. And you... Absolutly great.


Захожу сюда чтобы послушать этот шедевр снова и снова....Hans Zimmer гений который смог написать такую прекрасную музыку, а Eiro Nareth гений который смог так красиво её исполнить всего на одной гитаре заменив целый оркестр .


I've been listening to this song for an hour. I found my mind at peace, for the first time in my life. I feel happy. I can't explain this feeling.


This song is like a snowball getting bigger and bigger, amazing.


Слезы бегут сами собой... Как прекрасно жить... Пока есть время...


_"An idea is like a virus. Resilient. Highly contagious. And even the smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you."_


у этого человека должно быть овер 1млн подписчиков


If this song doesn´t play in my funeral, I won´t go.


I wrote this while i listened to your piece....

Have you ever had those moments?
Where life compressed down to a single point
Where a second felt like an hour or two
And you don’t know any more what you’d like to do
That moment when even getting up in the morning is hard
And you feel like your mind is tearing you apart
When it’s tough to smile, laugh, move, think or frown
Feels like your insides are about to drown
And there’s a fog in your brain that just won’t go away
I know what you feel, I feel this every day.

But let me tell you one thing about these moments
Even if it feels like they won’t, they will go away
Give it a minute, an hour or a day
Sleep on it, and don’t do something you’ll regret
If you need to, cry when you are lying in bed
Talk to someone who will listen
And if you don’t have that special someone
You may have to go it alone
And I know it may seem tough
But you can be that stone
You stand on when times are rough

Just don’t give up when things seem at their worst
Even this moment will pass, you just have to trust
In yourself, that you are stronger
Than whatever is happening to you

Life is all about these moments
And if they don’t break you
They will make you tough
And I know it’s wrong for me
To tell you they can break you
But I won’t lie to you
Because I have been lied to
I was told it was impossible
For me to break because I was made of tougher stuff
And those who said that couldn’t have been more wrong
I did break, and I did lose myself
But I realized even if you lose yourself
You can find yourself back again
And that’s when you do become strong

I’ve faced the death of loved ones
And I’ve lost everything I’ve ever had
People who I thought I loved
Walked away into my past
I’ve had broken bones, I’ve been sick
I’ve given up more time than I can count
I have failed at life
Every step of the way
Until I realized, life isn’t about
Having great friends, or money or success
This life is a test, to see if you can hack it
When you are faced with tough moments
Do you break or do you crack it
Beat down those walls that surround you
Punch them until the flesh rips
From your bone
And own the moment
Battered bloody and broken
Because every wall you break
Will be another token
An achievement, a talisman
You can hold deep inside your heart
That helps you heal and learn to get up faster
Run longer, and help you start
Yourself back up
When life seems to stop
And keep fighting the good fight
When you feel everything is lost

I have imagined cutting opening my veins
And jumping from bridges or in front of trains
I’ve sat long hours on the edge of rooftops
In pouring rain
Looking down at the world
At people who I thought were happier than me
But when I walked among them
I started to see
Deep down inside, we’re all fighting demons
We laugh on our faces, but deep down though we cry
Because we don’t know the reasons why
Good things happen to bad people
Sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason
When all you see around you is, death, deception and treason
It’s hard to have faith in the world and humanity
When everything happening around you
Is utter insanity
But there is beauty my friends
Even in the eye of the storm
Find those moments
And hold on to them
Because they will make you strong

I hope my words
Can bring you some peace
In your moment
I just want you to realize
Whatever you are facing
You can own it

I know from experience
Because I’ve lived in these moments
You are living right now
Feel my hand on your shoulder
And know that you aren’t alone
And don’t just read my words
Feel them in your flesh and bone

Cry if you need to right now
But don’t give up and die
Because life isn’t about just the highs
It’s about these lows
That we all feel like
We go through alone
But trust me
You can be that stone
You can stand on
Hold my hand
Go on.
Just draw that line in the sand
And say to yourself
I’m leaving this moment in the past
And yes I allowed it to take me
For a moment
But I won’t let this feeling last

It’s no sin to fall and stumble
It’s no crime to let bad moments rumble
Your ordered world
And bring chaos into your life
Life is full of strife
For you, for me, for all of us
It’s just something we all have to go through
So hold your chin up
And don’t be blue

Go take a walk, listen to music, and try doing things
That you thought of doing someday
Pick up an instrument and learn how to play
Write a song about your pain
And if you can’t do music
Just write
Find your weapon
Pick it up
And fight!

And know that you are not alone!
And that you can
Be that stone you stand on
When things are at their worst
Learn that you can trust
In yourself!

This is where I will leave you
But don’t think I am gone
I’ll always be here
With you in these moments
As you learn to be strong

Thank you for listening
To what I had to say
And I hope
From this moment onward
You have a better day.

Thank you for the inspiration... !


Hans is a genius, you showcase that genius with perfection.


To all who gathered here listening to this masterpiece.. you all have beautiful soul ❤️


So f*cking beautiful I think of this song every time I deploy and come home to see my family. The world stops for us but for those we leave behind it speeds up. Things change so much when your gone. Time is so precious. Embrace those that you love and care for every chance you get. You may not have a chance to let them know if your gone.
