8 x F-15E Strike Eagles full afterburner Launch (RAF Lakenheath). Full HD + SOUND!

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8 Eagles go full-throttle!

Did they know something we didn't ? (This was the day before the cruise missile attacks on Syria).

The USAF Supporting the UK, NATO, Liberty and freedom, -the 48th Fighter Wing in action!
Go Blue Squadron ! :-)
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"How would you like your Eagles sir?"

"Scrambled and Unrestricted."


I love the Hornet and Falcon, but when you see the F-15, you just know, he's the boss.


“How quickly do you need us there?”
“Say no more.”


I remember my senior high school year (1975) talking to ROTC candidates how the F-15 could accelerate in a vertical climb. That was 48 years ago. Years later after university with a masters I got the job of a lifetime of which included supporting data and voice systems onsite for our customers. McDonald-Douglas St. Louis was one of those customers. I walked the assembly floor while these mighty jets were being assembled (1980's). I had chills most of the time standing next to one of these planes. They may be 4th gen but with new F15EX program they will live on in a new role. The speed is unequaled (Mach 2.6) agains't the F-35 and the F-22. Only the SR-71 flew faster as recon. Believe me...the F-15 will go down in history as one of America's greatest fighters.


I was stationed in Japan many years ago. One day the ground started shaking and it was ungodly loud. We all ran out of our work vans and looked down the runway to see every aircraft on station (3 or 4 squadrons) lined up will full stores, none were blue. 18's were rolling off in 4's. It sent chills down my spine. less than an hour later they all returned with no ordinance spent. Don't know what went down but Kim Jong-il got lucky that day as I'd bet another base or two and possibly a carrier was doing the same.


Observation from Australia; those crackles from the engines sound like freedom to me.


Still the most beautiful fighter jet ever built for me. Great video, thanks Peter.


These were my jets when I was the Sortie Generation Flight commander for the Madhatters at RAF Lakenheath.


Ahh sounds familiar ;p i live 8 miles away from lakenheath, been hearing (feeling) these spine shattering babies for 20 yrs + i count them taking off, yeps its 8 today =))) and seeing them flyby sometimes at low level is special, one after the other in 3-4 second intervals, can almost see them both ;p o/ hello, yes i do wave sometimes
yeps, for me its the sounds of safety, not hearing them would be like not hearing the birds sing, and by Jove do these birds sing. Thank You guys, from a grateful local resident x


Peter, thank you for posting this! I worked at the factory here in St. Louis, on the flight ramp as a mechanic, from '84 to '95. We were building Eagles, Hornets, and Harriers. I was a Harrier engine operator. Nothing in the world commands my attention more than the sound, sight, and sensation of a full burner takeoff into a Viking departure to 10, 000 feet. 99% of all test flights of the 15s and 18s, were Viking departures, to get them out of the Class B airspace as quickly as possible, since MAC is on Lambert Field. It was especially nice when the Missouri Air National Guard transitioned into F-15Cs, and we got to see them fly almost every single day, usually in 4-ship formations, often with 2-ship takeoffs. Rarely did they get to do Vikings, like our test pilots, but they'd come back from their sorties in a right rear echelon over the runway, do a tactical break that was pure perfection, and land in single file. Sadly, that squadron transitioned to B-2s at Whiteman. Those are the "good ol' days" for me. The best part of my career, for sure. The Hornets were awesome too, and the Harriers had their amazing moments, but the F-15 Eagle is truly the best of the best. To date, it's the only American jet fighter designed with one purpose in mind: Air superiority, with no compromises. Yes, the Strike Eagles are fantastic interdiction aircraft, but they have to be... They are Eagles first. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!


Wow, what a sight. Long live the UK 🇬🇧 and USA 🇺🇸 friendship.


I had a front row seat every day at RAFL watching the 492, 493 & 494 do their thing back in '01 to '04. Great memories! 🇬🇧🇺🇲


the F15 and A 10 are my favorites. They always made me feel warm and fuzzy and proud when deployed. The feel of the F15 vibrating from the soles of your feet to rattle your sternum is intoxicating. You feel safe from any threat. Its awesome


I remember when i was 11 yrs old, I lived right next to mueller Airport in Austin tx. The gulf war ended and the military was landimg a lot of planes and helicopters there. Bergstrom airforce base was another 6 miles away so they were stopping to refuel. At least thats what i was told later. Man! For several days i was able to watch f16s, f15s, and a couple f14s take off and it was cool and much louder than passenger airliners. They all did the same thing. They all took off and pulled straight up hard into the clouds. Except one f16. He took off and turned hard left back over my neighborhood and then threw it into full afterburner about halfway into the turn flying right over my head it was incredible! And soooo loud. That was the last time i had an f16 at full honk about 50 ft over my head. My mom came outside screaming "what the hell was that!!!!"


I wonder if the Pilots have the Schoolboyish grin when they know they are going to light the Burners and there's a crowd.


I can’t even imagine how terrifying it must be to be the opposition and seeing/hearing these things come in 😳


Those 8 F-15's have more capability than most Air Forces. And they're what, 40 years old now? How I would have loved to experience live what I just watched.


You can only be PROUD watching them take off! GOD BLESS all of our veterans!


When your right there close to them taking off. The adrenaline pumping through u is like no other. It got so intense for me. I was crying. What a rush. AWESOME VIDEO!! JUST AWESOME.


Love the rumble it sends through your body when you are actually there watching these beautiful beasts!
