How to Compare Two Samples Using t Tests (11-1)

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The most basic and most popular inferential statistic – especially for beginning statistics students – is the t test. The t test is wonderful because it allows us to compare two samples. This opens up a world of possibility for our research. Researchers often want to compare two (or more) sets of data such as comparing two different methods of teaching, or how two competing therapy techniques affect depression, or if changes in scores occur after a treatment. There are two ways to structure these tests: as separate samples or using same sample.
This video teaches the following concepts and techniques:
Comparing the mean of two samples for statistical significance
Link to a Google Drive folder with all of the files that I use in the videos including the Effect Size Calculator for t Tests and datasets. As I add new files, they will appear here, as well.
This video teaches the following concepts and techniques:
Comparing the mean of two samples for statistical significance
Link to a Google Drive folder with all of the files that I use in the videos including the Effect Size Calculator for t Tests and datasets. As I add new files, they will appear here, as well.
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