100 Times Entitled Drivers Got Instant Justice...

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100 Times Entitled Drivers Got Instant Justice...

These Idiots in cars were caught on camera doing some pretty crazing driving! We put together a compilation of some of the funniest idiots in cars moments in the past year. If you have had any experience with idiots in cars who got in a crash, had bad road rage, Insant Karma, and more please send us your dashcam footage! We would love to have you footage in our next Idiots In Cars compilation!

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I broke down (sort of) on my Harley on a holiday weekend near the NJ shore. So i sat waiting for my tow guy in the shoulder. Cars who were trying to beat everyone to the next exit would pull up to the bike and start whaling on their horn. I just sat there giving them their IQ count for the day. After about an hour of this a cop pulled around me and parked. Asked if i was OK. Did i need water or anything. I said if you want to have some fun, stick around, you get 50 tickets in a many minutes.
Sure enough he stood on the other side of my bike on the other side of my large frame and broke out the ticket book. These idiots would hang out of their window " "get off the shoulder before i shot you a hole" the cop would walk around.. partly over. A couple actually had guns... their party was really over. This went on for 3 hours. My tow came and the cops said thanks and good bye. Needless to say, i never passed in a shoulder


"What is wrong with people?"
Lack of patience, me first, rules don't apply to me, save a few seconds for no reason, aggresion, etc.


Every day I see some idiot doing something illegal or just stupid driving their car. And never a karma cop to give lessons on driving infractions


I used to drive a truck and so did my father. It is really amazing how people treat truck drivers. If you really stop and think about it, what you have, just about EVERYTHING, was on a truck. It was carried and delivered by a truck. Without trucks, you wouldn't have some of the items you do.


9:02 "Would you do something that stupid in front of a cop?" Driver: "Here's TWO cops now, Hold my beer!"


The endless jockeying for position, putting yourself and everyone around you at serious risk, simply to gain what is essentially nothing (a matter of seconds at best) is just insane.

People get way too up in their feelings on the road for some reason


You know what they say? Life is hard, it's harder when you are stupid.


I once had a lady get impatient and go around me on the right only to rear end the cop stopped at the railroad crossing. She shoved the cop under a train car causing him serious injuries. She was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated, and felony leaving the scene of an accident with injuries. She was sentenced to 5 years in prison and had to pay the cop $500, 000 in damages for his injuries as he couldn't work for the better part of 2 years.


the best parts of the video clips is how everyone that got it recorded is laughing their asses off 😂 i love it. i need to get me a dash cam ASAP.


Entitled Drivers Got Instant Justice" provides a satisfying dose of reality for those who think they can flaunt the rules of the road. It's truly gratifying to witness the immediate repercussions for drivers who display entitled behavior. This video serves as a valuable lesson and a reminder that responsible driving is non-negotiable. Hats off to the uploader for capturing and sharing these moments – not only entertaining but also a stark reminder for everyone to prioritize safe driving practices. Stay safe out there on the roads!


31:30 When karma and physics work hand in hand to provide concrete evidence of your wrongdoing.

OK, OK, I see myself out.


I understand people make mistakes and get a ticket for them, but there needs to be a checkbox on the ticket labeled "jackassery" that doubles or triples the fine for stuff like the brake checkers, illegally driving into head-on traffic to get past a line of cars, etc.


Thought it was Andrew tate on the thumbnail at first


Dude made his weekly quota in one hour with all those shoulder drivers he should get a medal


13:56 > SEVEN... if you count the flashing one on the Police car!


I'm so glad these videos exist. It illuminates that it is indeed possible for the stars to align.. never seems to happen around me. I just feel like I'm always obeying the traffic law and everyone around me thinks the state paved all these roads for them personally. So entitled.


The first guy could just let the car in a go on with their day with no drama.


1:55 "AND ITS ON MY DASH-" The cutting of yelling sent me


Just the other day, some stupid git in front of me, ran a red light. Sadly, no cops around. Many years ago, I accidentally turned the wrong way on a one way street, right in front of a policeman, LOL. I didn't know the area. I instantly realized it, and turned around. He didn't do anything.


Anybody else think the guy in the thumbnail was Andrew Tate?
