Gaping hole in greenhouse gas emissions

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Countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, India and Brazil have not even published 2030 projections of their greenhouse gas emissions, let alone committed to reduce them. Senator David Leyonhjelm quizzes the Department of the Environment and Energy why they don’t have their own predictions of emission levels from these countries.
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Once again David shows how lazy these people are. Being that he asked last time for them to find out and they come back with "we can't be bothered" No wonder our system is so stuffed


If I was unable to answer a single question in relation to my expertise or experience I WOULDN'T HAVE A BLOODY JOB!


Why are we being made to feel guilty, and made to pay, for our carbon emissions when the government departments responsible for monitoring these emissions has no idea how much carbon is being emitted?


His questioning gives more pertinent clues than the responses ever do.


I've seen so many of these Senate committees where the Senator has asked for data, information, references, etc at a previous meeting, yet the public servants haven't had time to do a Google search! David was asking for ball park figures, official or unofficial. There needs to be a Senate Estimates Committee on how much actual work these bludgers do.


Whether climate change is real or conspiracy theory is irrelevant when the Australian Government puts a cost burden on the taxpayer for greenhouse gas emissions, which total about 1% of the global emissions. Even if we had negative emissions of -1% it would not matter a jot to global air pollution.
Also, if the Government is so worried about our polluted air why then does the country, which has one of the largest uranium reserves in the world, have zero nuclear power generators. I have to ask is it really about CO2 and methane or is it about fear and panic to generate money for Government Departments and NGOs. I'd be happy to have a 3rd or 4th gen. reactor in my back yard.
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If I had employees whose incompetence drove me to Google or Wikipedia I would ask them why I employed them in the first place and I would wait for an answer? WTF?


How is it she says they monitor these things VERY closely. Then in the next breath says they can't provide any estmats?


Who will look after us when David leaves the Senate?


In a private company they would be fired!!!


The bottom line here is that we in Australia, despite being one of the cleanest countries in the world are being forced to reduce our emissions by complying with agreed reduction targets.  To achieve those targets we are being asked to change the way we live, pay higher prices for energy and fuel whilst at the same time being brain washed about renewable energy.  We have seen a number of coal fired power stations closed which has reduced our base load capacity.  This is a critical issue however The Greens and others like them see this as a non event.  They have no comprehension about the impact their policies have on individuals, businesses and industry.  They have no concept of how rising energy bills are eating into the household budget and profits of companies thus reducing the amount of money that can be put back into the business in terms of technology and employment.  They, along with the Labour Party are seeking to increase our reduction targets to a ridiculous level, way above our Paris agreement (which we are meeting).  To what end, I think it is to make them feel happy within themselves and to virtue signal that they are the warriors of the planet.  The Greens recently proposed a bill to make it a criminal offence for Governments to invest in any coal related industry.  This bill would negate the Government's efforts to prevent price gouging.   Now, I believe that renewable energy will have it's place but not for decades when we have the technology to replace base load power.  You may recall the Tesla Battery built in South Australia.  The energy stored in that battery would only run the Tomago Aluminium Plant for less than 10 minutes.  In the meantime we need that power generation capacity to protect our families and economy.  Australian's are being punished financially and the advocates for renewable energy are happy to see that occur.  How many have taken the fight up with the Chinese or Indian Governments?  That will never happen for two very good reasons, they don't have the courage and secondly, the Chinese and Indian Governments would reject them as being insignificant.  But to destroy Australia I guess gives them a warm feeling inside.


When the volcano in Iceland erupted and ash covered Europe, scientists said it did more damage to the atmosphere than humans ever could. It's all ok now.


To Australians. Keep this Legend of a man in some power. If you lose him you lose the ability to hold any logical sense of your money spending. Im not even from your country but can see the importance of good questioning. Many departments, budgets needed. This mans specific and anal questioning opens eyes. Could be your future.


To sum up - We don't know or care the amount of emissions - we just want to set policy.


Australia really needs this guy as their prime minster


He reminds me trey gowdy. Very impressive.


Why in everyone of these clips do I hear Leyonhjelm ask a question but all I hear in the answers is weasel speak babble with high word count but no substance. Is perhaps the "Universal Translator" broken then?


So, various bureaucratic departments and political parties want to tax us and or eliminate our energy production potential, based on our anthropogenic CO2 emissions of approx 1.1% of the global total. Yet that global total anthropogenic CO2 is only approx 3.4% of total global CO2 emissions including natural sources, which makes Australia's anthropogenic CO2 emissions only 0.4% of annual atmospheric CO2 emissions, which is itself only a trace gas with a current concentration of approx 0.041%. Yet, even though every single climate model has failed at its every testable prediction, we citizens are supposed to quietly accept the depredations and economic vandalism promulgated by our politicians and bureaucrats. This will end in tears.


Will be sorry to see David leave parliament. A real loss for Australia, he is one of the few that actually seeks facts when making decisions.


This man shows that with one Google search, he finds lots of data. Yet the people responsible act like they can't find anything. What about them taking some responsibility? How hard is it to say: "Yes sir, we didn't do our homework, we take full responsibility for that and we hope to continue our work more effectively in the future".
